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·        朝1分で世界のニュースをチェック

·        领先前沿科技,记录你美好生活。

·        Oxhabridge Media

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3. 应用场景及研究范畴为机器学习,图像识别、人脸识别,自动驾驶,自然语言处理,语言识别,专家系统,深度学习,机器人、神经网络,遗传算法,医疗影像,智能搜索,定理证明,博弈,自动程序设计,智能控制等。


1. 请将商业计划书发至

2. 组织委员会等团队预审;

3. 预审通过后,将获得导师一对一辅导,然后进行现场宣讲,答辩;















2、拥有数据科学经验(Data scientist,类似国内大数据概念)经验。



作業内容:Deep Learning(TensorFlow/Python)を用いた画像解析開発、7月~、品川シーサイド駅、

Skill:TensorFlow、Pythonの開発経験、Deep Learning知識





1、 进行图像算法、3D高速地形识别的相关算法研究,包括飞行路线自动识别(非gps)目标跟踪、目标识别,目标特征自动匹配、图像特征提取等算法;

2、 基于智能感知的飞行器协同协作系统算法的研究;

3、 优化识别引擎、提高识别效率及成功率;

4、 负责相关算法的核心代码实现或移植;

5、 部分自动化控制系统的代码编写;


1、 精通C/C++编程,图像处理、模式识别算法,在3D高速影像识别领域有丰富经验者优先;

2、 熟悉地理信息系统,遥感影像数据处理技术;

3. 熟悉低延时自动化控制系统原理及可靠性相关技术;

4、 掌握机器学习、深度学习等相关知识,熟悉至少一种深度学习训练工具;

5、 具有熟练阅读英文文献资料的能力;


東京大学松尾研究室発AI startup – Deep X

🔸招engineer! 具体要求见下图

🔸Salary: 500-1000万日元 5-10M JPY,

negotiable depending on experience and skills!



【主题】Kaggle Quora2019
1、Detect toxic content(分辨有毒信息)
【人数、期限】10名 (最大15名)


·🔥 AI学习会(第36期)











·【人数、期限】10名 (最大15名)




·内容包括但不限于以下大赛:【Kaggle】【日本Signate】【日本General AI Challenge】【阿里云天池大赛】【华为AI应用创新大赛】【百度之星大赛】【中国AI Challenger】【iFLYTEK AI开发者大赛】【创新工场AI大赛】【未来杯高校AI挑战赛】【中国机器人及人工智能大赛】【全球青少年人工智能大赛】以及中国各大城市(北京,上海,广州,杭州,深圳,成都,西安,珠海等)创新创业大赛(AI专业赛与AI行业赛)。

















·(ML, DL, NLP, CV, Data analysis, Data precessing)










·東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1-8-4 アルテール秋葉原803













·每周六10:30-13:30  (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)


·每周六14:00-18:00 (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)

·(3)Amazon AWS培训:

·每周日10:30-13:30 (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)


·每周日14:00-18:00 (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)


·每周日14:00-18:00 (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)


·每周日14:00-18:00 (循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听!)

·地点:秋叶原office@中日AI    or   八重洲office@中日AI











  • 组团与自由交流(Kaggle: ML, DL, NLP, CV, Data analysis, Data precessing)

·Kaggle 是一个流行的数据科学竞赛平台,主要是为开发商和数据科学家提供举办机器学习竞赛、托管数据库、编写和分享代码的平台,已被谷歌收购。这一平台已经吸引了许多科学家和开发者的关注,他们也纷纷入驻这一平台。作为一个竞赛平台,Kaggle 对于初学者来说可能有些难度,毕竟其中的一些竞赛有高达 100 万美元的奖金池和数百位参赛者。




每周六10:30-13:30  循环开课!随时插班!


每周六14:00-18:00 循环开课!随时插班!

(3)Amazon AWS培训:

每周日10:30-13:30 循环开课!随时插班!


每周日14:00-18:00 循环开课!随时插班!


每周日14:00-18:00 循环开课!随时插班!


每周日14:00-18:00 循环开课!随时插班!





NLP Seminar(第二期)

图像分类任务(bin:multi);目标检测算法讨论(YOLO v2)

(RNN_based, CNN_based, Hard-Attentin, Soft-Attentin, Gloabl-Attention,
Local-Attention, Self-Attention)(Dot, Add, Concatenate,Perceptron),
(Problem of Self-Attention and current solution)

Seminar主持: 群主,IFRITSYLPH

索引paper:”ABCNN:Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Sentence Paris”(本次论文仅为索引,Seminar 内容将会涉及大量其他论文,CV以及NLP领域相关知识)

Seminar说明:NLP seminar 每个月举行一次,内容会选取一片论文作为索引,对现存





  • ■ 中日AI人工智能培训课程第十期!
    ■ 0基础学习人工智能!学习完成后,协会颁发修了证书! 推荐AI职位或者AI相关案件。
    ■ 由于需要配置环境进行实战演习,请携带笔记本电脑。
    ■ 授课内容:人工智能,机器学习与深度学习概要、Python基础知识以及常用工具、

  • ■ 索取详细大纲请联系我们。

  • 【时间】近期。具体时间调整中。

  • 【地点】秋葉原

  • 【费用】30小时,8次课,每次4个小时。学费6万。结对报名两人各自减1000日元,前十名更有特价优惠!

  • 【主讲人】 AI专业团队讲师。(东京大学博士,多年AI经验 ,机器学习方向高级算法工程师。 致力于机器学习算法应用以及前沿机器学习算法的开发与研究)

  • 【讲座内容】人工智能,机器学习与深度学习概要、Python基础知识以及常用工具、

  • 索取详细大纲请联系我们。









培训大纲 训大纲




  • 让我们一起挑战AWS解决方案架构师认证资格!

  • 【时间】每周日 10:30時-13:30時  循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听

  • 【地点】東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1-8-4アルテール秋葉原8F 秋葉原中央改札口徒步1分

  • 【主讲人】 胡老师,北京大学毕业,10多年IT咨询顾问经验,5年AWS现场开发、咨询经验 ,AWS高级架构师,拥有AWS专业解决方案构架师资格证书(AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional)

  • 【费用】统一2.8万日元,12小时课程,分5次,每次课程3个小时,结对报名两人各自减1000日元

  • 【讲座内容】

  • 第一部分 AWS初级架构师基本内容

  • 第二部分 AWS初级架构师认证对策

  • 第三部分 AWS初级架构师真题演习

  • 带您一起进入云计算AWS学习,节约时间成本,以最快速度获取云计算AWS架构师资格证书!

  • 由于需要配置环境进行实战演习,请携带笔记本电脑。



【时间】每周六 上午(10:00-13:30)  循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听








【 培训目标 】系统学习项目管理知识体系,掌握项目岗位专业知识和控制技巧,提升经理人处理应对复杂项目能力,解决应变风险等对项目综合把控能力。PMP报名指导,考题分析对策,帮助考生成功通过PMP考试。

【 讲师】美国PMP资格,近20年IT项目开发和项目管理经验,项目管理培训专家。剖析PMBOK的知识框架和内容,将理论运用于实践。备考经验丰富,课程内容重点突出,知识点全面,与PMP考试紧密结合,助力大家一次性通过PMP考试!

【 教材】



【 培训大纲】

第一次 PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:项目管理概念、框架、过程

第二次 PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:项目计划、执行和控制

第三次 PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:十大知识领域4-5章(整体,范围)

第四次 PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:十大知识领域6-7章(时间,成本)

第五次 PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:十大知识领域8-9章(质量,人力资源)

第六次  PMBOK知识体系讲解之一:十大知识领域10-13章(沟通,风险,采购)及职业道德

第七次   模拟考试,试题解析

第八次  精要串讲


RPA (Uipath)


【时间】每周日 14:00-18:00 循环开课!随时插班!欢迎免费试听



【主讲人】 UiPath官方认证讲师资格,8年IT实施开发经验,曾任职于IBM,GREE等大企业,日本最早使用UiPath,一年半RPA Uipath企业解决方案实施,有丰富的培训经验。








【主讲人】 东京大学博士,致力于人工智能机器学习和图像处理的研究工作,现在在人工智能以及机器人领域的企业担任计算机视觉和人工智能高级科学家,负责技术研发与项目管理。有在东京大学学术组织中担任人工智能和机器人专题讲座,在图像处理以及人工智能领域发表过十几篇期刊以及会议论文,在算法设计和开发方面有丰富的经验。



ホーム: 引用
ホーム: 引用












創業 2007年11月

社団法人設立 2007年12月















ディープラーニング(Deep Learning)概要


Deep Learningとは、十分なデータ量があれば、人間の力なしに機械が自動的にデータから特徴を抽出してくれるディープニューラルネットワーク(DNN)を用いた学習のことです。


Deep Learningと人工知能、機械学習の違い

今までの話で、人工知能と機械学習、Deep Learningと3つのキーワードが出てきて、すでに混同している方も多いとは思いますが、そこまで難しく考えることはありません。

3つのキーワードの関係は、大まかにいうと「人工知能>機械学習>Deep Learning」という構造になっています。


良くある誤解ですが、Deep Learning自体がAIというわけではなく、人工知能の要素技術の1つという位置付けです。









今回は「大量の知識データに対して、高度な推論を的確に行うことを目指したもの 」(一般社団法人 人工知能学会設立趣意書からの抜粋)という立場を取りたいと思います。








” The field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.”

と定義されており、日本語に訳すと「人が明示的に挙動を指示することなしにコンピューターに学習能力を与えること」 ということになります。









Deep Learning (DL)

■DNN(Deep Neural Network,ディープニューラルネットワーク)


■CNN(Convolutional Neural Network,畳み込みニューラルネットワーク)



■RNN(Recurrent Neural Network,再帰型ニューラルネットワーク)



また最近では、Google Translateなど自然言語処理にも使われています。


そもそもビジネスに導入したい際には、Deep Learningのアルゴリズム等を検討する前に、それが機械学習の方が適切なのか、DeepLearningの方が適切なのかでも変わってきます。

Salesforce Einstein の基礎


Salesforce Einstein とは

Salesforce Einstein についての噂を聞き、興味を引かれたのですね。しかし、Salesforce Einstein とは一体何なのでしょうか?

Salesforce Einstein は CRM 用の人工知能 (AI) です。

みなさんは生まれながらのインテリジェントタイプのようなので、すでに「人工知能の基礎」のバッチは獲得し、AI についてかなりご存じのことと思います。しかし、Salesforce Einstein の詳細に進む前に、そのモジュールで学んだことを簡単に復習しましょう。

  • AI は、カスタマイズされた推奨事項、インテリジェントな検索結果、自動化されたアシスタントによって、私たちの生活を楽にしてくれます (ただし、殺人ロボットではありません)。

  • データ、計算機能、アルゴリズムの収束により、AI は進化の転換点にあります。

  • AI はアプリケーションに埋め込まれて消費者の生活ですでに使用されており、UI 環境をとおして表面化しています。

Salesforce のコンテキストでは、この最後の一文が鍵になります。Salesforce Einstein でもほとんど同じように考えることができます。コンシューマアプリケーションと同じように、AI がすべての Salesforce アプリケーションに注入されて、顧客とのやり取りがスマートになります。つまり、Salesforce Einstein により、ワークフローからプロセスビルダー、分析まで、Salesforce プラットフォームのすべての主要機能に AI がシームレスに埋め込まれるのです。これにより、データサイエンティストだけでなく、すべての Salesforce ユーザが、ビジネスのコンテキストで直接的に予想できるようになります。

CRM 用の AI である Salesforce Einstein は、システム管理者やユーザがすでに使用している Salesforce アプリケーションに埋め込まれています。つまり、AI がすべての人にもたらされるのです。

すべての Salesforce クラウドがスマートになります。高度な機械学習、深層学習、予測分析、自然言語処理、スマートデータ検出といった機能を備えた Salesforce Einstein により、会社のすべての顧客処理、ワークフロー、インタラクションがすぐにスマートに、より予測的になります。

Salesforce ユーザが各クラウドでできる内容を、次に示します。

Sales Cloud Einstein


Service Cloud Einstein


Marketing Cloud Einstein


Community Cloud Einstein


Analytics Cloud Einstein


Commerce Cloud Einstein


Salesforce Platform Einstein

インテリジェンスを至る所に埋め込み、IT およびアプリケーション開発者が、AI を装備したアプリケーションをどのような使用事例に対しても構築できるようにする。

Salesforce IoT Einstein













人工知能(artificial intelligence: AI)という用語が造られたのは1956年のことですが、データ量の増大、アルゴリズムの高度化、コンピューティング性能やストレージ技術の発展といった近年の動向により、近年AIという略語はいっそう広く知られるようになっています。







初期のニューラル・ネットワーク研究が、「思考する機械(thinking machines)」に対する人々の興奮を喚起





















  • 機械学習:分析モデルの作成を自動化します。機械学習では、人間が調査範囲や結論を明示的にプログラミングしなくても、ニューラル・ネットワーク、統計、オペレーションズ・リサーチ、物理学などの手法を活用することで、データ内に埋もれている洞察を発見することができます。

  • ニューラル・ネットワーク:機械学習の一種であり、脳のニューロン(神経細胞)のような相互接続された処理単位で構成されます。これらの単位が外部入力に応答し、互いに情報を受け渡すことによって情報を処理します。このプロセスでは、未定義のデータから関係を発見して意味を導き出すために、データを複数の処理パスに通す必要があります。

  • ディープ・ラーニング:処理単位が多階層化された大規模なニューラル・ネットワークを活用する手法であり、コンピューティング性能の進歩とトレーニング手法の向上による利点を活かして大量のデータから複雑なパターンを学習します。一般的な用途としては、画像認識や音声認識(=スピーチ認識/発話認識)があります。

  • コグニティブ・コンピューティング:AIの下位分野の1つであり、機械と人間の間で人間同士のように自然な対話を実現することを目指します。AIやコグニティブ・コンピューティングを利用する場合、その最終的な目標は、機械が画像・音声解釈機能で人間のプロセスをシミュレートし、人間と理路整然と会話できるようにすることです。

  • コンピューター・ビジョン:パターン認識とディープ・ラーニングにより、写真やビデオに何が写っているかを認識します。機械が画像を処理・分析・理解できるということは、画像やビデオをリアルタイムで取り込み、撮影場所の周囲の状況を解釈することも可能、ということです。

  • 自然言語処理(NLP):コンピューターが人間の音声(スピーチ/発話)も含め、人間の言語を分析・理解・生成できるようにすることを目指します。NLPの次の発展段階は「自然言語による対話」であり、これが実現すれば、人間は普通の日常的な言葉でコンピューターとコミュニケーションを図り、タスクの実行を指示できるようになります。


  • GPU (Graphical Processing Unit):GPUは大量の反復処理に必要な高度なコンピューティング性能を提供できることから、AIのカギを握る領域の1つとして注目されています。ニューラル・ネットワークのトレーニングには、ビッグデータに加え、高度なコンピューティング性能が欠かせません。

  • モノのインターネット(IoT):IoTでは相互接続デバイスから膨大なデータが生成されますが、そのほとんどは分析されずに放置されています。AIでモデルの作成と適用を自動化すれば、データを最大限に活用できるようになります。

  • 高度なアルゴリズム:より多くのデータを、より高速に、複数のレベルで分析するために、高度なアルゴリズムの開発や、新たな方法で組み合わせる手法の考案が進められています。希少事象の特定と予測、複雑なシステムの理解、独自のシナリオの最適化などに取り組む際は、こうしたインテリジェントな処理が重要な役割を果たします。

  • API(アプリケーション・プログラミング・インターフェイス):APIは特定のプログラム機能の利用を簡素化する仕組みであり、これを利用することで、既存の製品やソフトウェアにAI機能を容易に追加できるようになります。例えば、ホーム・セキュリティ・システムやQ&Aシステムに画像認識機能を追加すると、画像データの属性記述や、キャプション/タイトルの作成を自動化できるほか、画像データ内にある興味深いパターンや洞察を呼び出すことも可能になります。


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ホーム: Pro Gallery

HOC Intelligent Technology

HOC Intelligent Technology

AlibabaGroup 合同会社

哈牛桥智能科技南京公司在南京江北新区软件园JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员,主要研究领域包括ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工智能专家,计算机视觉,多媒体技术和机器学习。

AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别


哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。

哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛 ,MIT,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的






例如与诗人安倍晋三在柔道比赛中进行投影映射,利用旧芝里久花园进行的全面照明活动,以及体育运动和技术的结合我们正在从事许多独特的项目,例如新的体育娱乐CYBER SPORTS项目。我们将有160名员工,AI VRAR 与团队合作团队成员艺术家,创意总监,艺术总监,导演。

专门研究创意和先进技术,并在艺术,娱乐和商业领域的整个创意产业中工作。 他参与业务战略,品牌建设,创新创造,产品开发,广告和其他执行咨询。东京2020年组委会CD / AD

耐克,Bose Toyota,Ebizo Ichikawa Kabukiza等许多全球品牌的创作方向和艺术指导...







泽原形象工作室的哈牛桥直播电商AI Live  stream E-commerceはAR和AI技术是live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。




研究始终坚持原创,不断突破创新,并已与国内外数十所一流高校和科研院所建立深度合作关系,具有深厚的人工智能领域学术积累和健全的人才培养机制。The Harvard Graduate School of Design 哈佛大学设计学院,被认为是世界上最好的设计学院之一合作,哈佛大学,剑桥大学牛津大学MIT,东京大学京都大学大阪大学,清华大学,中国科学院等名校合作


研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。。

哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司(简称:哈牛桥智能科技)成立于2019年7月。注册资本金5000万,哈牛桥的意识是哈佛大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学为主的研究学术界的领域领先顶尖博士研发团队超过400人 大数据解决方案以行业“智能化、数字化”转型为 契机,深耕“金融、交通、运营商” 三个垂直领域,提供专业的智能数 据服务,总部南京,在上海、北京、 深圳等地设有项目交付中心,哈牛桥智能科技南京公司由国龙剑桥博士于红红哈佛博士领导的牛津大学剑桥大学哈佛大学MIT等博士团队,ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,RPA, OCR-AI 特别是深度学习等人工智能领域实践能力专家,40年工作经验专业团队。哈牛桥智能科技是中国国家级 A类团队的,也是得到国家科技扶持金的科技家团队中国国家的重点科研室中国科学院的院士,清华大学的教授。和技术大趋势的融合,领先的分析技术被用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。中国科学院院士,IEEE会员,ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域,包含人工智能各领域)的专利产品大赛获得一等奖了,并和阿里,腾讯,华为等多家签约达成。AI×5G 刷脸成为主流支付方式,所见即所买、短视频AI動画×5G、AR VR及3D的,智能驾驶,金融,5G 远程医疗 5G AI 医疗,智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体 体育 娱乐等领域技术是我们的主流、在分离纯化、创新药物、生物技术、芯片设计、量子点显示、多点触控、纳米微球和低碳纳米材料等关键技术世界领先 智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人,智能医疗。人脸与人体分析技术,SLAM 与 3D 视觉,通用与专业图像识别,机器人控制与传感,海量视频理解与挖掘,图像视频处理增强医学图像分析,人工智能计算平台,AI 超算平台,自研训练框架,AI 高性能存储


哈牛桥智能科技具有领先的人工智能算法和芯片设计能力,通过软硬结合,设计开发高性能、低成本、低功耗的边缘人工智能芯片及解决方案,开放赋能合作伙伴。面向智能驾驶和AIoT,可提供超高性价比的边缘AI芯片、极致的功耗效率、开放的工具链、丰富的算法模型样例和全面的赋能服务。目前,基于创新的人工智能专用计算架构BPU(Brain Processing Unit) ,已成功流片量产了中国首款边缘人工智能处理器--专注于智能驾驶的系列处理器和专注于AIoT的系列处理器,并已大规模商用。
依托行业领先的软硬结合产品,向行业客户提供“芯片+算法+云”的完整解决方案。在智能驾驶领域,地平线同全球四大汽车市场(美国、德国、日本和中国)的业务联系不断加深,目前已赋能合作伙伴包括奥迪、博世、长安、比亚迪、上汽 、广汽等国内外的顶级 Tier1s,OEMs 厂商;而在AIoT领域,携手合作伙伴已赋能多个国家级开发区、国内一线制造 企业、现代购物中心及知名品牌店。


作为一家智能高科技公司,公司创始人于红红毕业于美国哈佛大学计算机学院并获博士学位。同时,担任NTTDATA总部CTO董事、美国哈佛大学商学院客座教授、清华大学计算机科学学院客座教授、东南大学客座教授、东京大学客座教授,大阪大学客座教授,京都大学客座教授。CTO国龙毕业于英国剑桥大学计算机博士学位。同时,担任剑桥大学教授,英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家,公司CTO核心团队,均毕业于哈福大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学,MIT,卡内基梅隆大学、比利时鲁汶大学、伍斯特理工、北京大学、清华大学,上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京大学、东南大学、哈尔滨工业大学等国内外知名高校;在创立和加入南京哈牛桥智能科技之前,分别在阿里巴巴,腾讯,NTTDATA,谷歌,亚马逊,ZestFinance、SFL Scientific、弘亚世纪投资、苏宁金服、招商银行、华为、中兴、途牛金融等行业标杆类企业或机构任职。







感知 | 控制 | 优化









•国家级高新技术企业 •南京市双软企业 •江苏省重点民营高科技企业 •CMMI3 •ISO9001 •ISO27001

发展至今,公司获得了许多行业内颇具影响力的大奖。如,连续两年获得全球Fintech 250强、国家高新技术企业、科技部中国创新创业大赛十强、连续三年获得KPMG中国领先金融科技公司50强、2018年度金融科技创新十佳案例、世界互联网大会年度中国创客大奖、达沃斯论坛中国AI 50强、2018年度中国最具投资价值企业50强、2017年度最具商业价值人工智能公司TOP50等荣誉,在行业内影响力日益提高。此外,亦是中国互联网金融协会成员,并通过ISO9001& ISO27001、CMMI-5管理体系认证。


•招商证券 •国泰君安证券 •海通证券 •华泰证券 •银河证券 •中信建投证券

•申万宏源证券 •光大证券 •东方证券 •上交所 •江苏银行 •南京银行 金融行业

•南方航空 •东方航空

•深圳航空 •厦门航空 交通行业

•中国电信 •中国联通

•中国移动 •中国铁塔

大数据团队分为平台架构、数据处理开发、数据建模及数据挖掘分析、数据应用、平台运维等技 术团队,紧跟大数据社区的技术动态及合作伙伴大数据平台产品升级,注重技术实践,保证了红网大 数据生态圈技术研究领先性和实践应用性。大数据开发团队熟练掌握各类面向数据采集、数据处理(流处理、批处理)、数据分析、数据应 用、人工智能等大数据主流开发框架和技术,提供库表、消息、日志、文件、图片等结构化、非结构 化数据的采集、处理转换、稽核校验等海量大数据开发、优化、数据建模、数据应用开发等技术服务。大数据应用团队,在证券行业服务近30家大型券商、运营商、航空等客户,积累了丰富的应用 模型和及各类应用开发的经验。大数据运维团队,熟悉大数据主流的开源和商用版本(华为、星环、CDH),积累了丰富的大数 据运维经验。大数据平台,是一套大数据全业务流程处理产品。它能够实现从数据源的可视化采集(数据清洗、数据稽核)、数据 存储、数据分析和服务提供、结果展现全功能、多方位的大数据产品;为满足对大数据平台管理的需求,还提供平台管理、 安全管理及自动化部署功能;并具有多租户、分权分域的能力。




哈牛桥智能科技是剑桥大学的AI技术世界顶级的AI研究团队(有我的儿子国龙参加)AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

Innovation is the first core competitiveness of the development of HOC Intelligent technology 创新是哈牛桥智能科技发展的第一核心竞争力

Interconnection empowered by technology互联互通 以科技赋能

Technical innovation 技术创新

Innovation mode 创新模式

Management innovation 管理创新

融合物联网、5G、AI、计算机视觉和大数据, “打造可运营、有‘思维’的智慧科技和服务” Integrate Internet of things, 5G, AI, computer vision and big data , "to form operable and ‘thinking’technology and services”.

ホーム: HTML の埋め込み

サービスLive  stream E-commerceのご予約

今年の初めから、人と物のシーンはあらゆる側面をカバーしてきました「ライブ放送代理店+ MCN +商人+サプライチェーン」は4つに1つです
ビデオ配信は、同音、クイックハンド、または淘宝ライブのいずれであってもトレンドになっています。 最近、「HOC Live  stream E-commerce」と呼ばれる小さなプログラムが開始され、短いビデオテープ配信モードが開始されました。
現在、「HOCライブストリームライブeコマース」アプレットのメインコンテンツには、アクティビティ、ビジネス広告、割引エリア、Xiaoweiセレクションが含まれています。 配信方法は、ファストハンドとビブラートに似ています。
ARとAIテクノロジーは、HOCのライブストリーミングeコマースアプリケーションの最大の違いです。 さまざまなシーンでリアカメラを動かすと、携帯電話の画面にさまざまなARエフェクトが表示されます。プロンプトのガイダンスの下で、ユーザーはその中でさまざまなアクションを実行できます。一部のスクリプトでは、ジェスチャ認識や追跡などのAIテクノロジーも使用できます 特殊効果の相互作用を完了するため。
目前,““哈牛桥live stream直播电商”小程序主要内容包括活动、商家广告、折扣专区和小微精选。其中,小微精选放置的是带货能力强的达人视频,带货方式和快手、抖音相似。
AR和AI技术是哈牛桥live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。

品質評価Live  stream E-commerce

Live  stream E-commerce

今年の初めから、人と物のシーンはあらゆる側面をカバーしてきました「ライブ放送代理店+ MCN +商人+サプライチェーン」は4つに1つです
ビデオ配信は、同音、クイックハンド、または淘宝ライブのいずれであってもトレンドになっています。 最近、「HOCLive  stream E-commerce」と呼ばれる小さなプログラムが開始され、短いビデオテープ配信モードが開始されました。
現在、「HOCライブストリームライブeコマース」アプレットのメインコンテンツには、アクティビティ、ビジネス広告、割引エリア、Xiaoweiセレクションが含まれています。 配信方法は、ファストハンドとビブラートに似ています。
ARとAIテクノロジーは、HOCのライブストリーミングeコマースアプリケーションの最大の違いです。 さまざまなシーンでリアカメラを動かすと、携帯電話の画面にさまざまなARエフェクトが表示されます。プロンプトのガイダンスの下で、ユーザーはその中でさまざまなアクションを実行できます。一部のスクリプトでは、ジェスチャ認識や追跡などのAIテクノロジーも使用できます 特殊効果の相互作用を完了するため。
目前,““哈牛桥live stream直播电商”小程序主要内容包括活动、商家广告、折扣专区和小微精选。其中,小微精选放置的是带货能力强的达人视频,带货方式和快手、抖音相似。
AR和AI技术是哈牛桥live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。

Live  stream E-commerceカスタマイズ

Live  stream E-commerce

今年の初めから、人と物のシーンはあらゆる側面をカバーしてきました「ライブ放送代理店+ MCN +商人+サプライチェーン」は4つに1つです
ビデオ配信は、同音、クイックハンド、または淘宝ライブのいずれであってもトレンドになっています。 最近、「HOCLive  stream E-commerce」と呼ばれる小さなプログラムが開始され、短いビデオテープ配信モードが開始されました。
現在、「HOCライブストリームライブeコマース」アプレットのメインコンテンツには、アクティビティ、ビジネス広告、割引エリア、Xiaoweiセレクションが含まれています。 配信方法は、ファストハンドとビブラートに似ています。
ARとAIテクノロジーは、HOCのライブストリーミングeコマースアプリケーションの最大の違いです。 さまざまなシーンでリアカメラを動かすと、携帯電話の画面にさまざまなARエフェクトが表示されます。プロンプトのガイダンスの下で、ユーザーはその中でさまざまなアクションを実行できます。一部のスクリプトでは、ジェスチャ認識や追跡などのAIテクノロジーも使用できます 特殊効果の相互作用を完了するため。
目前,““哈牛桥live stream直播电商”小程序主要内容包括活动、商家广告、折扣专区和小微精选。其中,小微精选放置的是带货能力强的达人视频,带货方式和快手、抖音相似。
AR和AI技术是哈牛桥live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。

Live  stream E-commerce

サービスに自信がありますLive  stream E-commerce

今年の初めから、人と物のシーンはあらゆる側面をカバーしてきました「ライブ放送代理店+ MCN +商人+サプライチェーン」は4つに1つです
ビデオ配信は、同音、クイックハンド、または淘宝ライブのいずれであってもトレンドになっています。 最近、「HOCLive  stream E-commerce」と呼ばれる小さなプログラムが開始され、短いビデオテープ配信モードが開始されました。
現在、「HOCライブストリームライブeコマース」アプレットのメインコンテンツには、アクティビティ、ビジネス広告、割引エリア、Xiaoweiセレクションが含まれています。 配信方法は、ファストハンドとビブラートに似ています。
ARとAIテクノロジーは、HOCのライブストリーミングeコマースアプリケーションの最大の違いです。 さまざまなシーンでリアカメラを動かすと、携帯電話の画面にさまざまなARエフェクトが表示されます。プロンプトのガイダンスの下で、ユーザーはその中でさまざまなアクションを実行できます。一部のスクリプトでは、ジェスチャ認識や追跡などのAIテクノロジーも使用できます 特殊効果の相互作用を完了するため。
目前,““哈牛桥live stream直播电商”小程序主要内容包括活动、商家广告、折扣专区和小微精选。其中,小微精选放置的是带货能力强的达人视频,带货方式和快手、抖音相似。
AR和AI技术是哈牛桥live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。

ホーム: サービス


哈牛桥智能科技南京公司在南京江北新区软件园JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员,主要研究领域包括ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工智能专家,计算机视觉,多媒体技术和机器学习。

AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别



哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。

ホーム: HTML の埋め込み

HOC Intelligent Technology

HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

ホーム: HTML の埋め込み



AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

ホーム: 商品
Man Hands On Keyboard

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP


AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP,

People Working in Open Office



AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP,

Startup Development Team

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP,


AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP,

images (91).jpg



The consciousness of HOC Intelligent Technology is Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University-based research academia's leading academic research and development team with more than 380 people. Provided by ScientistCutting-edge technology, customer-provided products, and high-quality products. Many years of industry knowledge, knowledge, technology, efficiency, and efficiency.

ScientistCutting-edge technologyは、ただお客様に製品をご提供するだけでなく、高品質なものをリーズナブルな価格でご提供しております。長年の業界での経験で培った専門知識および技術により、トータルで効率的なサービスを心がけております。



ホーム: 概要

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP,

cutting edge technologyダウンロード

cutting edge technology

ホーム: ファイル

cutting edge technology

cutting edge technology


cutting edge technology

cutting edge technology


cutting edge technology

cutting edge technology


cutting edge technology

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ScientistCutting-edge technology

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ご期待に必ずお応えいたしますScientistCutting-edge technology


哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛 ,MIT,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的




哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司(简称:哈牛桥智能科技)成立于2019年7月。注册资本金5000万,哈牛桥的意识是哈佛大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学为主的研究学术界的领域领先顶尖博士研发团队超过400人 大数据解决方案以行业“智能化、数字化”转型为 契机,深耕“金融、交通、运营商” 三个垂直领域,提供专业的智能数 据服务,总部南京,在上海、北京、 深圳等地设有项目交付中心,哈牛桥智能科技南京公司由国龙剑桥博士于红红哈佛博士领导的牛津大学剑桥大学哈佛大学MIT等博士团队,ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,RPA, OCR-AI 特别是深度学习等人工智能领域实践能力专家,40年工作经验专业团队。哈牛桥智能科技是中国国家级 A类团队的,也是得到国家科技扶持金的科技家团队中国国家的重点科研室中国科学院的院士,清华大学的教授。和技术大趋势的融合,领先的分析技术被用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。中国科学院院士,IEEE会员,ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域,包含人工智能各领域)的专利产品大赛获得一等奖了,并和阿里,腾讯,华为等多家签约达成。AI×5G 刷脸成为主流支付方式,所见即所买、短视频AI動画×5G、AR VR及3D的,智能驾驶,金融,5G 远程医疗 5G AI 医疗,智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体 体育 娱乐等领域技术是我们的主流、在分离纯化、创新药物、生物技术、芯片设计、量子点显示、多点触控、纳米微球和低碳纳米材料等关键技术世界领先 智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人,智能医疗。人脸与人体分析技术,SLAM 与 3D 视觉,通用与专业图像识别,机器人控制与传感,海量视频理解与挖掘,图像视频处理增强医学图像分析,人工智能计算平台,AI 超算平台,自研训练框架,AI 高性能存储



哈牛桥智能科技具有领先的人工智能算法和芯片设计能力,通过软硬结合,设计开发高性能、低成本、低功耗的边缘人工智能芯片及解决方案,开放赋能合作伙伴。面向智能驾驶和AIoT,可提供超高性价比的边缘AI芯片、极致的功耗效率、开放的工具链、丰富的算法模型样例和全面的赋能服务。目前,基于创新的人工智能专用计算架构BPU(Brain Processing Unit) ,已成功流片量产了中国首款边缘人工智能处理器--专注于智能驾驶的系列处理器和专注于AIoT的系列处理器,并已大规模商用。
依托行业领先的软硬结合产品,向行业客户提供“芯片+算法+云”的完整解决方案。在智能驾驶领域,地平线同全球四大汽车市场(美国、德国、日本和中国)的业务联系不断加深,目前已赋能合作伙伴包括奥迪、博世、长安、比亚迪、上汽 、广汽等国内外的顶级 Tier1s,OEMs 厂商;而在AIoT领域,携手合作伙伴已赋能多个国家级开发区、国内一线制造 企业、现代购物中心及知名品牌店。





作为一家智能高科技公司,公司创始人于红红毕业于美国哈佛大学计算机学院并获博士学位。同时,担任NTTDATA总部CTO董事、美国哈佛大学商学院客座教授、清华大学计算机科学学院客座教授、东南大学客座教授、东京大学客座教授,大阪大学客座教授,京都大学客座教授。国龙毕业于英国剑桥大学计算机博士学位。同时,担任剑桥大学教授,英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家,公司核心团队,均毕业于哈福大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学,MIT,卡内基梅隆大学、比利时鲁汶大学、伍斯特理工、北京大学、清华大学,上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京大学、东南大学、哈尔滨工业大学等国内外知名高校;在创立和加入南京哈牛桥智能科技之前,分别在阿里巴巴,腾讯,NTTDATA,谷歌,亚马逊,ZestFinance、SFL Scientific、弘亚世纪投资、苏宁金服、招商银行、华为、中兴、途牛金融等行业标杆类企业或机构任职。







感知 | 控制 | 优化


















•国家级高新技术企业 •南京市双软企业 •江苏省重点民营高科技企业 •CMMI3 •ISO9001 •ISO27001

发展至今,公司获得了许多行业内颇具影响力的大奖。如,连续两年获得全球Fintech 250强、国家高新技术企业、科技部中国创新创业大赛十强、连续三年获得KPMG中国领先金融科技公司50强、2018年度金融科技创新十佳案例、世界互联网大会年度中国创客大奖、达沃斯论坛中国AI 50强、2018年度中国最具投资价值企业50强、2017年度最具商业价值人工智能公司TOP50等荣誉,在行业内影响力日益提高。此外,亦是中国互联网金融协会成员,并通过ISO9001& ISO27001、CMMI-5管理体系认证。


•招商证券 •国泰君安证券 •海通证券 •华泰证券 •银河证券 •中信建投证券

•申万宏源证券 •光大证券 •东方证券 •上交所 •江苏银行 •南京银行 金融行业

•南方航空 •东方航空

•深圳航空 •厦门航空 交通行业

•中国电信 •中国联通

•中国移动 •中国铁塔

大数据团队分为平台架构、数据处理开发、数据建模及数据挖掘分析、数据应用、平台运维等技 术团队,紧跟大数据社区的技术动态及合作伙伴大数据平台产品升级,注重技术实践,保证了红网大 数据生态圈技术研究领先性和实践应用性。大数据开发团队熟练掌握各类面向数据采集、数据处理(流处理、批处理)、数据分析、数据应 用、人工智能等大数据主流开发框架和技术,提供库表、消息、日志、文件、图片等结构化、非结构 化数据的采集、处理转换、稽核校验等海量大数据开发、优化、数据建模、数据应用开发等技术服务。大数据应用团队,在证券行业服务近30家大型券商、运营商、航空等客户,积累了丰富的应用 模型和及各类应用开发的经验。大数据运维团队,熟悉大数据主流的开源和商用版本(华为、星环、CDH),积累了丰富的大数 据运维经验。大数据平台,是一套大数据全业务流程处理产品。它能够实现从数据源的可视化采集(数据清洗、数据稽核)、数据 存储、数据分析和服务提供、结果展现全功能、多方位的大数据产品;为满足对大数据平台管理的需求,还提供平台管理、 安全管理及自动化部署功能;并具有多租户、分权分域的能力。





哈牛桥智能科技是剑桥大学的AI技术世界顶级的AI研究团队(有我的儿子国龙参加)AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

Innovation is the first core competitiveness of the development of HOC Intelligent technology 创新是哈牛桥智能科技发展的第一核心竞争力

Interconnection empowered by technology互联互通 以科技赋能

Technical innovation 技术创新

Innovation mode 创新模式

Management innovation 管理创新

融合物联网、5G、AI、计算机视觉和大数据, “打造可运营、有‘思维’的智慧科技和服务” Integrate Internet of things, 5G, AI, computer vision and big data , "to form operable and ‘thinking’technology and services”.



拥有全球领先的AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能,智能驾驶,智能芯片等顶尖核心技术,这些核心技术全部来自于自主研发,拥有自主知识产权。积极倡导阳光健康

经营理念的企业价值观,遵守适用法律法规,产品技术广泛应用于智能芯片,教育、医疗,金融,体育,安防,新零售,无人驾驶,机器人,IOT,ICT,智能制造,智能交通,智能城市,智慧家居,智能管理、RPA, 智能工厂、 智能物流等社会普惠等领域































这需要大量的前期投资采用也是大多数成功的开源公司今天开始作为一家大公司的项目(例如雅虎的Hadoop / HDFS,LinkedIn的Kafka,谷歌的Kubernetes),作为研究学术界的领域(例如,伯克利的Spark),或VC支持的创业公司。




通过比较市场上限,年化收入和弹性倍数(45.9亿美元市值,1.6亿美元收入,29倍)和MongoDB,可以看出主要可信度的价值,通常是通过成为项目的主要贡献者来实现的。 (39.6亿美元的市值,1.55亿美元的收入,26倍)与(合并前)Hortonworks(12.3亿美元的市值,2.62亿美元的收入,5倍)和Cloudera(17.3亿美元的市值,3.67亿美元的收入,5倍)。(截至2018年11月27日的市值上限;收入数据来自最新报告的财政年度。)

由于Elastic和MongoDB在各自的社区中具有主要的可信度,因此他们能够建立一个更有效的商业模式,并以比Hortonworks或Cloudera更少的收入获得更多的价值,Hortonworks或Cloudera不得不筹集更多资金并在Hadoop上激烈地战斗市场。(人们甚至可以推测,拥有主要可信度的必要性是最近Hortonworks / Cloudera合并背后的原因之一。)









由于以下几个原因,这种模式长期受到限制:(1)支持通常需要大量的人工工作,因此降低了业务利润; (2)缩放很难,因为支持工作往往不容易重复; (3)它为开源公司带来了不正当的激励,使产品更易于使用,从而蚕食支持收入。实际上,当项目需要具有庞大生态系统的复杂部署时,这种模型非常有效,这往往不利于构建最佳用户体验。








限制性许可模式为开源软件用户付费提供了法律依据。它通过提供具有轻微繁琐条款的开源许可证来实现这一点,这样任何在生产中使用该软件的人都会高度激励与该供应商达成商业交易。GPL和AGPL许可证以及新创建的Commons子句(由某些Redis模块采用)都是此模型的示例。特别是,AGPL和Commons Clause(以及MongoDB推出的新SSPL)也是旨在抵御公共云提供商的许可。

但是这种方法有局限性:基于GPL的许可限制不限制未修改的使用,只有在进行修改并且不想开源时才适用; 共同条款的语言有些含糊不清,还有待观察这将如何在法庭上发挥作用。尽管如此,这种方法的最大缺点是这些许可证会影响采用,通常会关闭潜在用户。特别是,有不少大公司有明确的政策反对使用限制性许可。由于这种方法的固有摩擦,许多人依赖于其他商业模式来排除它。



通常,专有功能是生产部署和/或大规模所需的功能。(例如,对于开源数据库,监控,管理,备份/恢复和群集等功能通常是专有的。)这里的一个好处是它允许开源公司以非常宽松的许可证许可核心(例如,Apache 2),同时保留为专有功能收费的能力。它还允许开源公司通过保留专有代码库中的某些功能来抵御免费加载参与者(例如,公共云提供商)。

这种模式的挑战在于平衡开源价值与专有价值:如果一家开源公司放弃太多,那么它就会放弃赚钱的机会; 但如果它放得太少,那么开源项目实际上就变成了“拙劣的”(而且该项目可能无法得到广泛的采用)。





这种方法对于开源公司的优势包括所有在开放核心下列出的方法,还有一些:(1)在同一代码库中拥有所有内容,可以更轻松地管理工程流程和开发; (2)它使整个团队能够在核心项目上工作; (3)它允许用户从现场免费升级到付费,通常无需停机(无需与销售人员互动); (4)它允许外部社区成员使用他们通常用于开源功能的相同工作流程(例如,通过GitHub)对其进行评论,文件问题以及(如果他们这样选择)对专有功能做出贡献。



  • 随机森林,神经网络,支持向量机,决策树类的单个模型以及上述单个模型的bagging算法

  • 适用于机器学习的cross validation算法

  • 各种基础算法的stacking方法实现

  • 决策树的gradient boosting machine 算法

  • 基于SVM的半监督学习等。

哈牛桥智能科技具有Cutting edge technology的商标 专利 著作权


核心工业软件:智能制造的中国“无人区  ,哈牛桥技术就是第一个可以做核心工业软件的团队

算法不精,中国工业机器人有点“笨” 。。。核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术。我们会让中国工业机器人活起来。。。

中国国产芯片占有率为0,芯片核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术,我们愿意签约中兴 阿里 达摩院平头哥  华为 ,让中国国产芯片占有率为100%。。。




其中博士论文中部分成果作为核心已被商业软件。迄今作为课题负责人承担过863重点项目、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目的研发工作,发表科研论文510余篇,其中SCI收录50篇,EI收录60篇,ISTP收录129篇,获得发明专利225项。在清华大学,东京大学,大阪大学,京都大学,剑桥大学,哈佛大学 牛津大学,MIT等人工智能领域教授为主团队专注于高科技领域前沿技术研发、以及相关产品商业化的平台型公司。公司自有资本雄厚,信仰极客文化,核心团队成员均为来自Google、亚马逊,Facebook,IBM,微软,英伟达,华为、腾讯,阿里等具有资深研发、管理经验的行业精英。计算机软件,计算机技术 网络科技,网络技术 航天 建造技术,3D打印技术等。



著名的deepmind的顶级科学家也是美国谷歌的首席科学家,From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round for its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".




如开展与先进生物医学相关的特殊案例研究。数据科学和人工智能授权的特定预测分析方法。.Top 100 AI药物发现和高级医疗领域的领导者“(PDF)研究科学家,临床医生和学术界,制药公司和人工智能公司的技术专家称号。获奖者包括CSAIL首席研究员和麻省理工学院教授Regina Barzilay,Tommi Jaakkola,Manolis Kellis和Peter Szolovits .等


例子治疗不孕 AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以治疗无精子把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法是可以治疗好的。


智能建筑 提供IT规划、开发和运营服务的IT服务供应商。经过以沃土计划为代表的半年多的信息化变革,在麦肯锡、华为、IBM等优秀合作的支持下,目前已形成了一支约1000人的专业化科技团队,囊括应用系统开发、架构、运营维护等多种职能。随着从住宅开发商向城市配套服务商转型,多元业务战略对业务间整合、客户资源打通、信息系统建设等提出了更高的要求,平台中将扮演更为重要的角色.一方面,希望通过数字化提升现有核心业务的运营效率,改善客户体验;另一方面,期待通过数字化建立一个强大的支撑多业态发展的基础平台,支撑实现城市胚胎服务商的战略愿景。在此背景下,推动万科数字化变革的“沃土计划”应运而生。经过两年的发展,在集团管理层、各职能部门专家、各一线业务骨干、优秀合作伙伴、科技公司技术精英的协力奋斗下,并取得了阶段性发展。未来我们将继续恪守“以用户为中心,以科技赋能业务、创造真实价值”的原则,利用大数据、云计算、AI、物联网等新技术,让科技成为业务的助推器、管理的润滑剂,助力持续保持行业内的领军地位。

由 SAIC 基金会发起成立,研发团队由来自中国、美国、英国,日本的顶尖 AI 应用技术专家组成,已经成功开发打造了深度学习训练平台、分布式数据存储、全球超算中心、边缘计算产品,技术社区等系列项目,并聚集了 30000 多名来自全球各大高等院校和企业的 AI 开发者和爱好者。开始国际化进程,以美国子公司为核心辐射欧美国家,以英国 新加坡子公司与香港子公司的区域优势带动台湾、马来西亚、印尼、泰国等东南亚市场的发展,广联达正在积极向国际化、全球化迈进。获得“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”资质,并荣膺中国AAA级信用企业、纳税信用A级企业、中国十大创新软件企业等资质和称号——专业的产品、完善的服务与科学的管理,获得了广大客户与行业的高度认可,同时,不断践诺社会责任的广联达,赢得了媒体与社会的信赖。

是基于 超算网络的分布式 AI 模型训练平台,可为 AI 开发者提供无限扩容的 GPU 算力资源,用于深度学习模型训练,支持 TensorFlow、Keras、Pytorch、MXNnet 等框架,可直接使用。超算网络基于点对点分布式文件存储协议推出的一项更快捷、更安全的分布式数据存储服务,拥有 10G 存储,可一站式满足存储和管理的开发需求。基于超算网络的多功能超级计算服务器,适配 超算集群 SDK,附带深度学习环开发套件及环境,可提供高强度的并行计算能力。
值得注意的是,SAIC 基金会是一个面向全球 AI 开发者和爱好者的技术型基金会,同时也是微软的银牌合作伙伴和 Linux 基金会的银牌会员。(本文独家首发链得得 App)未来数字架构的 AI、IOT、5G 和区块链时代,算力将作为基础能源而存在。具有分布式特征,边缘计算逻辑的算力商用平台,将爆发巨大的商业价值。与此同时,精准垂直于 AI 应用开发场景的分布式算力工具平台,小孔切入空间巨大,将更容易实现规模商业化的体系服务,从而获得先机。


哈牛桥智能科技主营业务是基于人工智能技术为金融机构提供独立第三方智能决策风控服务,并一直致力于通过研发小微企业信用评估算法帮助银行和其他金融机构能够更快捷和更准确地服务急需资金的优质小微企业。于红红博士有着丰富的基于人工智能技术对小微企业和个人进行信用评估的经验,曾经担任ZestFinance模型组的创始人和负责人,Turbo Financial Group的联合创始人兼首席风控官,IDG资本驻站企业家和投资顾问,Kabbage的首席科学家,着重研发针对小微企业的信用评估。


和浙江省恩泽医院的抗癌“神药”研究合作签约合作,世界级顶尖科学家——兰迪·韦恩·谢克曼2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者,美国著名的细胞生物学家,美国国家科学院院士的恩泽医院,台州药企研制  谷歌的技术,目前华为有可能达到,华为和哈牛桥签约了。


日本小行星宇宙探测AI,京都大学医疗AI大数据分析获得2018年诺贝尔奖,智能翻译用于搜索引擎等 。研究院成立伊始,公司积极布局人工智能、区块链等前沿领域,并在南京、上海、杭州、苏州、台州筹建成立各模块实验室。我们秉持技术为先,产品为用的理念,凭借过硬的技术实力,同时连接海内外的高校及科研机构并与之合作,不断创新、精益求精,输出业界一流的研究成果,并积极拥抱市场,结合用户体验,打造优质的商业化产品。


来自谷歌,亚马逊,苹果和Arm的成功资金为其概率建模平台提供了1300万英镑的资金。 位

AlibabaGroup 合同会社

哈牛桥智能科技南京公司在南京江北新区软件园JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员,主要研究领域包括ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工智能专家,计算机视觉,多媒体技术和机器学习。

AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别


哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。

ホーム: 機能紹介






  • 随机森林,神经网络,支持向量机,决策树类的单个模型以及上述单个模型的bagging算法

  • 适用于机器学习的cross validation算法

  • 各种基础算法的stacking方法实现

  • 决策树的gradient boosting machine 算法

  • 基于SVM的半监督学习等。

哈牛桥智能科技具有Cutting edge technology的商标 专利 著作权


核心工业软件:智能制造的中国“无人区  ,哈牛桥技术就是第一个可以做核心工业软件的团队

算法不精,中国工业机器人有点“笨” 。。。核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术。我们会让中国工业机器人活起来。。。

中国国产芯片占有率为0,芯片核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术,我们愿意签约中兴 阿里 达摩院平头哥  华为 ,让中国国产芯片占有率为100%。。。




其中博士论文中部分成果作为核心已被商业软件。迄今作为课题负责人承担过863重点项目、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目的研发工作,发表科研论文510余篇,其中SCI收录50篇,EI收录60篇,ISTP收录129篇,获得发明专利225项。在清华大学,东京大学,大阪大学,京都大学,剑桥大学,哈佛大学 牛津大学,MIT等人工智能领域教授为主团队专注于高科技领域前沿技术研发、以及相关产品商业化的平台型公司。公司自有资本雄厚,信仰极客文化,核心团队成员均为来自Google、亚马逊,Facebook,IBM,微软,英伟达,华为、腾讯,阿里等具有资深研发、管理经验的行业精英。计算机软件,计算机技术 网络科技,网络技术 航天 建造技术,3D打印技术等。



著名的deepmind的顶级科学家也是美国谷歌的首席科学家,From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round for its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".




如开展与先进生物医学相关的特殊案例研究。数据科学和人工智能授权的特定预测分析方法。.Top 100 AI药物发现和高级医疗领域的领导者“(PDF)研究科学家,临床医生和学术界,制药公司和人工智能公司的技术专家称号。获奖者包括CSAIL首席研究员和麻省理工学院教授Regina Barzilay,Tommi Jaakkola,Manolis Kellis和Peter Szolovits .等


例子治疗不孕 AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以治疗无精子把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法是可以治疗好的。


智能建筑 提供IT规划、开发和运营服务的IT服务供应商。经过以沃土计划为代表的半年多的信息化变革,在麦肯锡、华为、IBM等优秀合作的支持下,目前已形成了一支约1000人的专业化科技团队,囊括应用系统开发、架构、运营维护等多种职能。随着从住宅开发商向城市配套服务商转型,多元业务战略对业务间整合、客户资源打通、信息系统建设等提出了更高的要求,平台中将扮演更为重要的角色.一方面,希望通过数字化提升现有核心业务的运营效率,改善客户体验;另一方面,期待通过数字化建立一个强大的支撑多业态发展的基础平台,支撑实现城市胚胎服务商的战略愿景。在此背景下,推动万科数字化变革的“沃土计划”应运而生。经过两年的发展,在集团管理层、各职能部门专家、各一线业务骨干、优秀合作伙伴、科技公司技术精英的协力奋斗下,并取得了阶段性发展。未来我们将继续恪守“以用户为中心,以科技赋能业务、创造真实价值”的原则,利用大数据、云计算、AI、物联网等新技术,让科技成为业务的助推器、管理的润滑剂,助力持续保持行业内的领军地位。

由 SAIC 基金会发起成立,研发团队由来自中国、美国、英国,日本的顶尖 AI 应用技术专家组成,已经成功开发打造了深度学习训练平台、分布式数据存储、全球超算中心、边缘计算产品,技术社区等系列项目,并聚集了 30000 多名来自全球各大高等院校和企业的 AI 开发者和爱好者。开始国际化进程,以美国子公司为核心辐射欧美国家,以英国 新加坡子公司与香港子公司的区域优势带动台湾、马来西亚、印尼、泰国等东南亚市场的发展,广联达正在积极向国际化、全球化迈进。获得“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”资质,并荣膺中国AAA级信用企业、纳税信用A级企业、中国十大创新软件企业等资质和称号——专业的产品、完善的服务与科学的管理,获得了广大客户与行业的高度认可,同时,不断践诺社会责任的广联达,赢得了媒体与社会的信赖。

是基于 超算网络的分布式 AI 模型训练平台,可为 AI 开发者提供无限扩容的 GPU 算力资源,用于深度学习模型训练,支持 TensorFlow、Keras、Pytorch、MXNnet 等框架,可直接使用。超算网络基于点对点分布式文件存储协议推出的一项更快捷、更安全的分布式数据存储服务,拥有 10G 存储,可一站式满足存储和管理的开发需求。基于超算网络的多功能超级计算服务器,适配 超算集群 SDK,附带深度学习环开发套件及环境,可提供高强度的并行计算能力。
值得注意的是,SAIC 基金会是一个面向全球 AI 开发者和爱好者的技术型基金会,同时也是微软的银牌合作伙伴和 Linux 基金会的银牌会员。(本文独家首发链得得 App)未来数字架构的 AI、IOT、5G 和区块链时代,算力将作为基础能源而存在。具有分布式特征,边缘计算逻辑的算力商用平台,将爆发巨大的商业价值。与此同时,精准垂直于 AI 应用开发场景的分布式算力工具平台,小孔切入空间巨大,将更容易实现规模商业化的体系服务,从而获得先机。


哈牛桥智能科技主营业务是基于人工智能技术为金融机构提供独立第三方智能决策风控服务,并一直致力于通过研发小微企业信用评估算法帮助银行和其他金融机构能够更快捷和更准确地服务急需资金的优质小微企业。于红红博士有着丰富的基于人工智能技术对小微企业和个人进行信用评估的经验,曾经担任ZestFinance模型组的创始人和负责人,Turbo Financial Group的联合创始人兼首席风控官,IDG资本驻站企业家和投资顾问,Kabbage的首席科学家,着重研发针对小微企业的信用评估。


和浙江省恩泽医院的抗癌“神药”研究合作签约合作,世界级顶尖科学家——兰迪·韦恩·谢克曼2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者,美国著名的细胞生物学家,美国国家科学院院士的恩泽医院,台州药企研制  谷歌的技术,目前华为有可能达到,华为和哈牛桥签约了。



日本小行星宇宙探测AI,京都大学医疗AI大数据分析获得2018年诺贝尔奖,智能翻译用于搜索引擎等 。研究院成立伊始,公司积极布局人工智能、区块链等前沿领域,并在南京、上海、杭州、苏州、台州筹建成立各模块实验室。我们秉持技术为先,产品为用的理念,凭借过硬的技术实力,同时连接海内外的高校及科研机构并与之合作,不断创新、精益求精,输出业界一流的研究成果,并积极拥抱市场,结合用户体验,打造优质的商业化产品。


来自谷歌,亚马逊,苹果和Arm的成功资金为其概率建模平台提供了1300万英镑的资金。 位于剑桥的剑桥大学开发团队的Steve Young教授信息工程国龙教授团队




哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的






对于风险投资企业和风险投资者  对于中国人 可以作为股东, 对于累计或一次性10亿万以上风险投资企业,有哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司5%的股权,在10年内哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司效益的5%作为报酬分红。对于外国人只要分红权 不可以作为股东。。。但是特殊情况可以特殊处理



目前哈牛桥智能科技已在天使轮、Pre A轮、A轮、B轮、PreC融资中获得了来自峰瑞资本、云启资本、创世伙伴资本、游族网络、国和投资等数亿元的融资。红杉资本的融资正在洽谈

Goal  and  Development


Cutting edge technology service provider―>

Cutting edge technology system service provider ―>

Cutting edge technology environment operator ―>

Cutting edge technology New Culture Creativity operator ―>future technology


Cutting edge technology 简介

研发工程中心R & D Engineering Center

专利发明Patent invention

Product Center




















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哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。


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AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别



哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。




哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司(简称:哈牛桥智能科技)成立于2019年7月。注册资本金5000万,哈牛桥的意识是哈佛大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学为主的研究学术界的领域领先顶尖博士研发团队超过400人 大数据解决方案以行业“智能化、数字化”转型为 契机,深耕“金融、交通、运营商” 三个垂直领域,提供专业的智能数 据服务,总部南京,在上海、北京、 深圳等地设有项目交付中心,哈牛桥智能科技南京公司由国龙剑桥博士于红红哈佛博士领导的牛津大学剑桥大学哈佛大学MIT等博士团队,ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,RPA, OCR-AI 特别是深度学习等人工智能领域实践能力专家,40年工作经验专业团队。哈牛桥智能科技是中国国家级 A类团队的,也是得到国家科技扶持金的科技家团队中国国家的重点科研室中国科学院的院士,清华大学的教授。和技术大趋势的融合,领先的分析技术被用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。中国科学院院士,IEEE会员,ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域,包含人工智能各领域)的专利产品大赛获得一等奖了,并和阿里,腾讯,华为等多家签约达成。AI×5G 刷脸成为主流支付方式,所见即所买、短视频AI動画×5G、AR VR及3D的,智能驾驶,金融,5G 远程医疗 5G AI 医疗,智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体 体育 娱乐等领域技术是我们的主流、在分离纯化、创新药物、生物技术、芯片设计、量子点显示、多点触控、纳米微球和低碳纳米材料等关键技术世界领先 智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人,智能医疗。人脸与人体分析技术,SLAM 与 3D 视觉,通用与专业图像识别,机器人控制与传感,海量视频理解与挖掘,图像视频处理增强医学图像分析,人工智能计算平台,AI 超算平台,自研训练框架,AI 高性能存储





研究始终坚持原创,不断突破创新,并已与国内外数十所一流高校和科研院所建立深度合作关系,具有深厚的人工智能领域学术积累和健全的人才培养机制。The Harvard Graduate School of Design 哈佛大学设计学院,被认为是世界上最好的设计学院之一合作,哈佛大学,剑桥大学牛津大学MIT,东京大学京都大学大阪大学,清华大学,中国科学院等名校合作


研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。。

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哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛 ,MIT,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的



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AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company

Company Profile


AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.

HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .



Some of the results of the doctoral thesis have been commercial software as the core. So far, as the project leader, he has undertaken research and development work on 863 key projects, national science and technology support plan sub-projects, and projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published more than 510 research papers, including 50 articles in SCI and 60 articles in EI. 129 articles were included and 225 invention patents were obtained. Professors at Tsinghua University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Kyoto University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Oxford University, MIT, etc., focus on high-tech front-end technology research and development, and related products commercialization of platform companies. The company has strong capital and believes in geek culture. The core team members are from the industry elites with senior R&D and management experience from Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Huawei, Tencent and Ali. Computer software, computer technology Network technology, network technology Aerospace construction technology, 3D printing technology.


The top scientist of the famous deepmind is also the chief scientist of Google in the United States, From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round at its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".


The leading scientists in the team of leading scientists at the Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute in the UK hold technologies: financial information analysis technology, biomedical data analysis technology, DNA cell analysis technology, IoT data analysis technology, action behavior analysis technology, face Identification and analysis technology, bone analysis technology, manufacturing automation system, automatic design model technology, cloud system, cultural education system


Such as the development of special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Specific predictive analysis methods for data science and artificial intelligence authorization. .Top 100 AI Leader in Drug Discovery and Advanced Healthcare "(PDF) Research Scientist, Technical Specialist for Clinicians and Academia, Pharmaceutical Companies and Artificial Intelligence Companies. Winners include CSAIL Principal Investigator and MIT Professor Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis and Peter Szolovits. etc.


Examples of treatment of infertility AI technology medical big data analysis, can now treat azoosperm to make the surviving sperm into a chip, implanted into the human body AI technology medical big data analysis, now can make the living sperm into a chip, implanted in the human body The method can be treated well.



Smart Building An IT service provider that provides IT planning, development and operational services. After more than half a year of informationization reform represented by the fertile soil project, with the support of excellent cooperation such as McKinsey, Huawei and IBM, a professional technology team of about 1,000 people has been formed, including application system development, architecture and operation. Maintenance and other functions. With the transition from residential developers to urban supporting service providers, the diversified business strategy puts forward higher requirements for business integration, customer resource opening, and information system construction. The platform will play a more important role. On the one hand, hope Enhance the operational efficiency of existing core businesses through digitalization and improve the customer experience; on the other hand, it is expected to establish a strong platform to support multi-format development through digitalization and support the strategic vision of urban embryo service providers. In this context, the “fertile plan” to promote the digital transformation of Vanke came into being. After two years of development, under the concerted efforts of the group's management, experts in various functional departments, backbones of various front lines, excellent partners, and technology elites of technology companies, they have achieved staged development. In the future, we will continue to abide by the principle of “user-centered, technology-enabled business, and create real value”, and use new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, AI, and Internet of Things to make technology become a booster and management of the business. Lubricants help sustain the industry's leading position.


HOC Intelligent Technology's main business is based on artificial intelligence technology to provide independent third-party intelligent decision-making risk control services for financial institutions, and has been committed to helping banks and other financial institutions to be faster and more accurate through the development of small and micro enterprise credit evaluation algorithms. High-quality small and micro enterprises that urgently need funds. Dr. Yu Honghong has extensive experience in the evaluation of small and micro enterprises and individuals based on artificial intelligence technology. He was the founder and head of the ZestFinance model group, co-founder and chief wind controller of Turbo Financial Group, IDG Capital. Resident entrepreneur and investment consultant, Kabbage's chief scientist, focuses on developing credit assessments for small and micro enterprises.


Cooperated with the anti-cancer "Shenzhen" research in the Enze Hospital of Zhejiang Province, the world-class top scientist - Randy Wayne Sheikhman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, a famous American cell biologist Enze Hospital of the National Academy of Sciences, Taizhou Pharmaceutical Development

Https:// Google's technology, Huawei is currently likely to reach, Huawei and Harun Bridge signed.

Harbin Bridge is a team based in the United States and the United Kingdom. Google's technology is also one of the main cores of our team. Liverpool team signed smart sports

Japan Asteroid Cosmic Exploration AI, Kyoto University Medical AI Big Dat

Free_Sample_By_Wix (3).jpg


 “an organization that continually produces cutting-edge technologies and puts them into practical use”. Such an organization would be possible only by a group of professionals who have deep expertise in technology, and who are committed to deliver new value to the world through technology. These professionals will have both the technical expertise and the passion to pursue that vision, by continuously taking on new challenges and complementing each other’s skills. At HOC , we just love working with such a group of people. While technical expertise is a necessity, we also value personality even more. That is why we would like to work with members with the following qualities:

・Having an understanding of diversity, and the ability to combine various expertise.
・Flexibility and a constant intellectual curiosity and motivation toward learning new technology.
・Ability to achieve great results by working as a team.
・Sincere attitude toward work and technology.
・Passionate about using technology to improve society.



Based on enthusiasm

An essential part of expressing the HOC organizational culture is that it is driven by the members' motivation.

Being motivated (ie “energetic”) means that you are seriously facing the outcome.

If we find significance in project results and have strong motivation, we will try to contribute to the results of each team member. This is synonymous with producing teamwork results.

Because of this culture, we can continue to be a very flat, flexible and high performing organization.

Learn or Die

Learn to die

All HOC members are very greedy to learn.

The field that HOC challenges is a field of great change, and learning is the only way to stay on the cutting edge.

We don't stick to one idea, one technology, one domain.

For example, HOC software engineers want to take on new challenges in hardware, and hardware researchers are excited to switch their field to HCI design.

As a result, HOC becomes a true learning organization composed of members with diverse backgrounds.

Proud, but Humble

Proud, but Humble

Take pride, but be humble

HOC is a technology-centric company. We will continue to challenge our achievements.

By doing so, we will attract the best human resources and continue to add friends.

At the same time, we have the right understanding of what we cannot achieve.

Recognizing that there are unfamiliar events and technologies in the world, that is why we can respect the ideas of members with diverse specialties to the fullest extent.

Boldly do what no one has done before

Boldly do what no one has done before

Boldly do what no one has done

Draw a better future and change the world with technology-We will challenge new software and hardware, new service and business transformation, and the creation of an unprecedented market.

I think that our mission in society is to do what HOC can do.

Core competitiveness

AI competition is fierce

AI tech at Cambridge University The world's top AI research team (with my son guolong participating) Rugby 5G technology invented by AI Deep learning (one of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for image recognition and voice recognition) Developed a rugby play analysis system combined with deep learning), shooting body movement with a camera, measuring body posture and movement when AI passes, AI coaching 5G technology


Core industrial software: Intelligent manufacturing of China's “no man's land, Harbin Bridge technology is the first team that can do core industrial software

The algorithm is not refined, and Chinese industrial robots are a bit "stupid". . . The core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology. We will make Chinese industrial robots alive. . .

China's domestic chip share is 0, the chip core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology, we are willing to sign ZTE Ali Dharma Pingtou brother Huawei, let China's domestic chip share rate of 100%. . .

iCLIP technology is also blank. Nobel's research and development of innovative drugs iCLIP technology Harbin Bridge technology is a top technical team, willing to develop innovative drugs in China. . . .

Neutrinos can easily penetrate the earth, the sun, and the universe. . . . Harbin Bridge Technology is developing a way to replace electromagnetic wave communication. Neutrino communication research and development. .


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd., led by Dr. Guolong Cambridge, Dr. Hong Hong Harvard, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, MIT and other doctoral teams, ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, AI machine learning, RPA, OCR -AI is a practical ability expert in the field of artificial intelligence, such as deep learning, and a professional team with 40 years of work experience. HOC Intelligent Technology is a national-level A-class team in China. It is also a scientific and technological support team with national science and technology support. It is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a key researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Tsinghua University. Integration with technological megatrends, leading analytical techniques used in government/local government, education/medical/healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications/broadcasting, construction/real estate, electricity/gas/water, networking, pharmaceuticals , agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, IEEE member, ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence related field (not limited to voice processing, including artificial intelligence in all fields) patent product contest won the first prize, and with Ali, Tencent, Huawei, etc. A number of contracts were signed. AI×5G brush face becomes the mainstream payment method, see what you buy, short video AI animation × 5G, AR VR and 3D, smart driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medical, smart driving intelligent business intelligence medical public security 5G robot 5G materials semiconductor sports entertainment and other fields of technology are our mainstream, the world's leading intelligent driving in key technologies such as separation and purification, innovative drugs, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano microspheres and low carbon nano materials. , smart manufacturing, robotics, smart medical

HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong's technical team won the Class A first class in the China Science and Technology Association, HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong Yuhong's technical team in the China Science and Technology Association and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. prize. Big health industry: Biomedicine, medical equipment, smart medical care, health management, etc. won the first prize of Class A.


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: HOC Intelligent Technology) was established in July 2019. As an artificial intelligence high-tech company, the company's founder Yu Honghong graduated from Harvard University School of Computer Science with a Ph.D. At the same time, he served as Director of CTO of NTTDATA Headquarters, Visiting Professor of Harvard Business School, Visiting Professor of School of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor of Southeast University, Visiting Professor of University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor of Osaka University, Visiting Professor of Kyoto University. The company's core team graduated from Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, Leuven University of Belgium, Worcester Polytechnic, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing Universities, Southeast University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other well-known universities at home and abroad; before creating and joining Nanjing Harbin Bridge Intelligent Technology, respectively in Alibaba, Tencent, NTTDATA, Google, Amazon, ZestFinance, SFL Scientific, Hongya Century Investment, Suning Jinfu, China Merchants Bank, Huawei, Zhongxing, Tuniu Finance and other industry benchmark enterprises or institutions.

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Welcome to  Research!

With a team of world-class research scientists, engineers, artists, and designers, Adobe Research blends cutting-edge academic discovery with industry impact. Our scientists and engineers shape early-stage ideas into innovative technologies. Many of our researchers’ discoveries are incorporated into Adobe’s products, building the company’s reputation as a leader in fostering new forms of creativity and a pioneer in content and data intelligence. They collaborate with colleagues at more than 50 universities, presenting their work at international conferences.
Today,  Research is growing in new areas, including AI, machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, immersive media, computer-human interaction, systems technologies, document intelligence, data science, video advertising, and customer intelligence.

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Innovative People

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Product Impact

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We collaborate with prominent university faculty and students

Invention & Discovery

Our scientists file groundbreaking patents on their discoveries

Awards & Honors

Our scientists and engineers have won prestigious awards

Fellowships & ScholarshipsResearch nurtures future technical leaders

Research is a team of world-class research scientists, engineers, artists, and designers uniting cutting-edge academic discovery with industry impact. We shape experimental ideas into innovative technologies for Adobe’s products, building the company’s reputation as a pioneer in content and data intelligence. Our team collaborates with colleagues at universities around the world, presenting publications at international conferences. Explore our research areas below to learn more about  Research’s work.


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AR, VR & 360 Photography


Computer Vision, Imaging & Video

Content Intelligence

Data Intelligence

Document Intelligence

Graphics (2D & 3D)

Human Computer Interaction

Intelligent Agents & Assistants

Natural Language Processing

Systems & Languages


Research is always hiring student interns, research scientists, and research engineers in the United States. We are also seeking candidates for full time positions in Bangalore, India and for our Research Programs division in San Jose.

  • For PhD and masters students applying for a student internship, please send an email to with your CV, a list of your research interests, and names of specific researchers or engineers you would like to work with. See our Internships Program for more details.

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Within the United States, Adobe Research hires in several locations: San Jose; San Francisco; Seattle; Cambridge, Massachusetts; College Park, Maryland. We also hire in and London and in Bangalore, India.

The San Jose lab is located in Adobe’s corporate headquarters in downtown San Jose, in the heart of Silicon Valley, within walking distance to cultural attractions and dining. San Jose has a mild climate, ideal for enjoying outdoor activities, such as running, cycling and sailing. San Jose is one hour from Santa Cruz and San Francisco.

The San Francisco lab is located in the South of Market district, near the AT&T Ballpark and the waterfront, and a short walking distance from the CalTrain station. San Francisco is known worldwide as a top destination for visitors, who enjoy the city’s beautiful neighborhoods, world-class entertainment, shopping and dining.

The Seattle lab is located in the chic Fremont area, directly on the water (you can kayak to work!). Summer in Seattle is sunny and beautiful, and our building is surrounded by a vibrant urban environment, including parks, restaurants, and cafés, with many a “happy hour” and outdoor terrace to choose from.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts lab is located in the Cambridge Innovation Center on Kendall Square, just steps away from the Kendall/MIT MBTA Red Line station and MIT’s computer science department, with expansive views of Cambridge and Boston across the Charles River.

The other US lab is located in College Park, Maryland, home to the University of Maryland’s main campus. This location is also very close to Washington, DC.

 Research has also established a lab in London in Adobe’s Shoreditch office, located on the “Silicon Roundabout” in London’s Tech City, a hive of innovation and the third-largest technology cluster in the world after the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City.

The India lab is located on the Bangalore campus of Adobe India. Known as the “Silicon Valley of India,” Bangalore boasts the highest concentration of IT companies in the country. It has a pleasant climate throughout the year. It’s a great place for craft beer and quirky independent cafes. You will find plenty of parks, museums, temples, and shopping malls in the city, known officially as “Bengaluru.”



Published June 8, 2020

Beyond Positive Emotion: Deconstructing Happy Moments based on Writing Prompts

The 14th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)

Kokil Jaidka, Niyati Chhaya, Saran Mumick, Matthew Killingsworth, Alon Halevy, Lyle Ungar

Published May 14, 2020

Exploiting the Matching Information in the Support Set for Few Shot Event Classification

PAKDD 2020

Viet Lai, Franck Dernoncourt, Thien Nguyen

Published May 12, 2020

Multilingual Twitter Corpus and Baselines for Evaluating Demographic Bias in Hate Speech Recognition

LREC 2020

Xiaolei Huang, Linzi Xing, Michael J. Paul, Franck Dernoncourt

Published May 12, 2020

A Corpus for Detecting High-Context Clinical Indications in Intensive Care Patient Notes Focusing on Frequently Readmitted Patients

LREC 2020

Edward T. Moseley, Joy T. Wu, Jonathan Welt, John Foote, Patrick D. Tyler, David W. Grant, Eric T. Carlson, Sebastian Gehrmann, Franck Dernoncourt, Leo Anthony Celi

Published May 12, 2020

TutorialVQA: Question Answering Dataset for Tutorial Videos

LREC 2020

Anthony Colas, Seokhwan Kim, Franck Dernoncourt, Siddhesh Gupte, Zhe Wang, Doo Soon Kim

Published May 12, 2020

Propagate-Selector: Detecting Supporting Sentences for Question Answering via Graph Neural Networks

LREC 2020

Seunghyun Yoon, Franck Dernoncourt, Doo Soon Kim, Trung Bui, Kyomin Jung

Published April 25, 2020

TurkEyes: A Web-Based Toolbox for Crowdsourcing Attention Data

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Anelise Newman, Barry McNamara, Camilo Fosco, Yun Bin Zhang, Pat Sukhum, Matthew Tancik, Nam Wook Kim, Zoya Bylinskii

Published April 25, 2020

ICONATE: Automatic Compound Icon Generation and Ideation

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Nanxuan Zhao, Nam Wook Kim, Laura Mariah Herman, Hanspeter Pfister, Rynson W.H. Lau, Jose Echevarria, Zoya Bylinskii

Published April 24, 2020

Autocomplete Element Fields

CHI 2020

Chen-Yuan Hsu, Li-Yi Wei, Lihua You, Jian Jun Zhang

Published April 20, 2020

Modeling Causal Impact of Textual Style on a Targeted Goal

The Web Conference (WebConf) - Poster

Gaurav Verma, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan, Shiv Saini, Niyati Chhaya

Published April 14, 2020

Using Image Captions and Multitask Learning for Recommending Query Reformulations

European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)

Gaurav Verma, Vishwa Vinay, Sahil Bansal*, Shashank Oberoi*, Makkunda Sharma*, Prakhar Gupta

Published April 14, 2020

Reinforced Rewards Framework for Text Style Transfer

European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)

Abhilasha Sancheti, Kundan Krishna, Anandhavelu Natarajan, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

Published April 14, 2020

Session-based Path Prediction by Combining Local and Global Content Preferences

European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)

Kushal Chawla, Niyati Chhaya

Published March 17, 2020

Generating Need-Adapted Multimodal Fragments

ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI)

Gaurav Verma, Suryateja BV, Samagra Sharma, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

Published March 17, 2020

Recommendation for Video Advertisements based on Personality Traits and Companion Content

ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (ACM IUI)

Sanorita Dey, Brittany R.L. Duff, Niyati Chhaya, Wai Fu, Vishy Swaminathan, Karrie Karahalios

Published March 2, 2020

LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode & Attend for Figure Question Answering

Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

Ritwick Chaudhry, Sumit Shekhar, Utkarsh Gupta, Prann Bansal, Ajay Shridhar Joshi, Pranav Maneriker

Published February 12, 2020

A Joint Model for Definition Extraction with Syntactic Connection and Semantic Consistency

AAAI 2020

Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, Dejing Dou, Thien Huu Nguyen

Published February 12, 2020

Multi-view Consistency for Relation Extraction via Mutual Information and Structure Prediction

AAAI 2020

Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Franck Dernoncourt, Thien Huu Nguyen

Published February 8, 2020

DSTC8-AVSD: Multimodal Semantic Transformer Network with Retrieval Style Word Generator

AAAI 2020 Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC8)

Seunghyun David Yoon, Hwanhee Lee, Franck Dernoncourt, Doo Soon Kim, Trung Bui, Kyomin Jung

Published February 7, 2020

Adapting Language Models for Non-Parallel Author-Stylized Rewriting

34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Bakhtiyar Syed, Gaurav Verma, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan, Anandhavelu Natarajan, Vasudeva Varma







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  • 随机森林,神经网络,支持向量机,决策树类的单个模型以及上述单个模型的bagging算法

  • 适用于机器学习的cross validation算法

  • 各种基础算法的stacking方法实现

  • 决策树的gradient boosting machine 算法

  • 基于SVM的半监督学习等。

哈牛桥智能科技具有Cutting edge technology的商标 专利 著作权


核心工业软件:智能制造的中国“无人区  ,哈牛桥技术就是第一个可以做核心工业软件的团队

算法不精,中国工业机器人有点“笨” 。。。核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术。我们会让中国工业机器人活起来。。。

中国国产芯片占有率为0,芯片核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术,我们愿意签约中兴 阿里 达摩院平头哥  华为 ,让中国国产芯片占有率为100%。。。



其中博士论文中部分成果作为核心已被商业软件。迄今作为课题负责人承担过863重点项目、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目的研发工作,发表科研论文510余篇,其中SCI收录50篇,EI收录60篇,ISTP收录129篇,获得发明专利225项。在清华大学,东京大学,大阪大学,京都大学,剑桥大学,哈佛大学 牛津大学,MIT等人工智能领域教授为主团队专注于高科技领域前沿技术研发、以及相关产品商业化的平台型公司。公司自有资本雄厚,信仰极客文化,核心团队成员均为来自Google、亚马逊,Facebook,IBM,微软,英伟达,华为、腾讯,阿里等具有资深研发、管理经验的行业精英。计算机软件,计算机技术 网络科技,网络技术 航天 建造技术,3D打印技术等。

著名的deepmind的顶级科学家也是美国谷歌的首席科学家,From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round for its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".


如开展与先进生物医学相关的特殊案例研究。数据科学和人工智能授权的特定预测分析方法。.Top 100 AI药物发现和高级医疗领域的领导者“(PDF)研究科学家,临床医生和学术界,制药公司和人工智能公司的技术专家称号。获奖者包括CSAIL首席研究员和麻省理工学院教授Regina Barzilay,Tommi Jaakkola,Manolis Kellis和Peter Szolovits .等

例子治疗不孕 AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以治疗无精子把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法是可以治疗好的。

智能建筑 提供IT规划、开发和运营服务的IT服务供应商。经过以沃土计划为代表的半年多的信息化变革,在麦肯锡、华为、IBM等优秀合作的支持下,目前已形成了一支约1000人的专业化科技团队,囊括应用系统开发、架构、运营维护等多种职能。随着从住宅开发商向城市配套服务商转型,多元业务战略对业务间整合、客户资源打通、信息系统建设等提出了更高的要求,平台中将扮演更为重要的角色.一方面,希望通过数字化提升现有核心业务的运营效率,改善客户体验;另一方面,期待通过数字化建立一个强大的支撑多业态发展的基础平台,支撑实现城市胚胎服务商的战略愿景。在此背景下,推动万科数字化变革的“沃土计划”应运而生。经过两年的发展,在集团管理层、各职能部门专家、各一线业务骨干、优秀合作伙伴、科技公司技术精英的协力奋斗下,并取得了阶段性发展。未来我们将继续恪守“以用户为中心,以科技赋能业务、创造真实价值”的原则,利用大数据、云计算、AI、物联网等新技术,让科技成为业务的助推器、管理的润滑剂,助力持续保持行业内的领军地位。

由 SAIC 基金会发起成立,研发团队由来自中国、美国、英国,日本的顶尖 AI 应用技术专家组成,已经成功开发打造了深度学习训练平台、分布式数据存储、全球超算中心、边缘计算产品,技术社区等系列项目,并聚集了 30000 多名来自全球各大高等院校和企业的 AI 开发者和爱好者。开始国际化进程,以美国子公司为核心辐射欧美国家,以英国 新加坡子公司与香港子公司的区域优势带动台湾、马来西亚、印尼、泰国等东南亚市场的发展,广联达正在积极向国际化、全球化迈进。获得“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”资质,并荣膺中国AAA级信用企业、纳税信用A级企业、中国十大创新软件企业等资质和称号——专业的产品、完善的服务与科学的管理,获得了广大客户与行业的高度认可,同时,不断践诺社会责任的广联达,赢得了媒体与社会的信赖。

是基于 超算网络的分布式 AI 模型训练平台,可为 AI 开发者提供无限扩容的 GPU 算力资源,用于深度学习模型训练,支持 TensorFlow、Keras、Pytorch、MXNnet 等框架,可直接使用。超算网络基于点对点分布式文件存储协议推出的一项更快捷、更安全的分布式数据存储服务,拥有 10G 存储,可一站式满足存储和管理的开发需求。基于超算网络的多功能超级计算服务器,适配 超算集群 SDK,附带深度学习环开发套件及环境,可提供高强度的并行计算能力。
值得注意的是,SAIC 基金会是一个面向全球 AI 开发者和爱好者的技术型基金会,同时也是微软的银牌合作伙伴和 Linux 基金会的银牌会员。(本文独家首发链得得 App)未来数字架构的 AI、IOT、5G 和区块链时代,算力将作为基础能源而存在。具有分布式特征,边缘计算逻辑的算力商用平台,将爆发巨大的商业价值。与此同时,精准垂直于 AI 应用开发场景的分布式算力工具平台,小孔切入空间巨大,将更容易实现规模商业化的体系服务,从而获得先机。

哈牛桥智能科技主营业务是基于人工智能技术为金融机构提供独立第三方智能决策风控服务,并一直致力于通过研发小微企业信用评估算法帮助银行和其他金融机构能够更快捷和更准确地服务急需资金的优质小微企业。于红红博士有着丰富的基于人工智能技术对小微企业和个人进行信用评估的经验,曾经担任ZestFinance模型组的创始人和负责人,Turbo Financial Group的联合创始人兼首席风控官,IDG资本驻站企业家和投资顾问,Kabbage的首席科学家,着重研发针对小微企业的信用评估。

和浙江省恩泽医院的抗癌“神药”研究合作签约合作,世界级顶尖科学家——兰迪·韦恩·谢克曼2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者,美国著名的细胞生物学家,美国国家科学院院士的恩泽医院,台州药企研制  谷歌的技术,目前华为有可能达到,华为和哈牛桥签约了。


日本小行星宇宙探测AI,京都大学医疗AI大数据分析获得2018年诺贝尔奖,智能翻译用于搜索引擎等 。研究院成立伊始,公司积极布局人工智能、区块链等前沿领域,并在南京、上海、杭州、苏州、台州筹建成立各模块实验室。我们秉持技术为先,产品为用的理念,凭借过硬的技术实力,同时连接海内外的高校及科研机构并与之合作,不断创新、精益求精,输出业界一流的研究成果,并积极拥抱市场,结合用户体验,打造优质的商业化产品。

来自谷歌,亚马逊,苹果和Arm的成功资金为其概率建模平台提供了1300万英镑的资金。 位于剑桥的剑桥大学开发团队的Steve Young教授信息工程国龙教授团队


哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的



对于风险投资企业和风险投资者  对于中国人 可以作为股东, 对于累计或一次性10亿万以上风险投资企业,有哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司5%的股权,在10年内哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司效益的5%作为报酬分红。对于外国人只要分红权 不可以作为股东。。。但是特殊情况可以特殊处理

目前哈牛桥智能科技已在天使轮、Pre A轮、A轮、B轮、PreC融资中获得了来自峰瑞资本、云启资本、创世伙伴资本、游族网络、国和投资等数亿元的融资。红杉资本的融资正在洽谈

Goal  and  Development


Cutting edge technology service provider―>

Cutting edge technology system service provider ―>

Cutting edge technology environment operator ―>

Cutting edge technology New Culture Creativity operator ―>future technology

Cutting edge technology 简介

研发工程中心R & D Engineering Center

专利发明Patent invention

Product Center














source (3).gif






智慧通行解决方案可提供基于 AI 视觉技术的智能门禁、迎宾、考勤等功能,为管理者解决进出口的安全管控,有效维护场所的秩序和安全,实现场所的数字化、智能化管理,应用场景包括社区、楼宇、园区、校园、医院等场所




NTT DATA和中国科学院合作研发


用于对MTI运营的交通信息集成应用程序“ Transfer MAP Navi”使用AI(人工智能)预测近期交通拥堵。

在演示实验中,将在Android版本的“ Transfer MAP Navi”中提供可免费使用的“拥堵预测”字段,并在30和60分钟后使用AI显示高速公路交通拥堵预测信息。用户可以选择避免交通拥堵的路线,因为可以每5分钟确认一次基于VICS的最新路况的高精度交通拥堵预测信息。

在演示实验中,将验证AI交通拥堵预测信息的有效性,并把握市场需求。 2020年财年的前景,计划扩大在不久的将来拥堵预测信息一般道路的报价范围。




智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗 公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体
合作项目 上海崇明三岛5G 远程医疗 5G AI 张江 金桥 上海临港产业区
临港芯片区 智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗   上海南港  5G中兴 华为 电信 移动 签约
重庆  南京 5G基站  苏州 公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体
5G华为 5G芯片工厂在英国
5G AI体育
剑桥大学世界顶级AI研究团队的AI技术(与我的儿子国龙一起)是AI Deep Learning发明的AI 5G技术,这是一种用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术 开发了一种橄榄球比赛分析系统,该系统结合了(深度学习),使用照相机拍摄的人体运动,在AI通过时测量的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术



目前哈牛桥智能科技已在天使轮、Pre A轮、A轮、B轮、PreC融资中获得了来自峰瑞资本、云启资本、创世伙伴资本、游族网络、国和投资等数亿元的融资。红杉资本的融资正在洽谈

Goal  and  Development


Cutting edge technology service provider―>

Cutting edge technology system service provider ―>

Cutting edge technology environment operator ―>

Cutting edge technology New Culture Creativity operator ―>future technology

Cutting edge technology 简介

研发工程中心R & D Engineering Center

专利发明Patent invention

Product Center

















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ホーム: Blog2 Custom Feed



AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company

Company Profile


AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.

HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .


 “an organization that continually produces cutting-edge technologies and puts them into practical use”. Such an organization would be possible only by a group of professionals who have deep expertise in technology, and who are committed to deliver new value to the world through technology. These professionals will have both the technical expertise and the passion to pursue that vision, by continuously taking on new challenges and complementing each other’s skills. At HOC , we just love working with such a group of people. While technical expertise is a necessity, we also value personality even more. That is why we would like to work with members with the following qualities:

・Having an understanding of diversity, and the ability to combine various expertise.
・Flexibility and a constant intellectual curiosity and motivation toward learning new technology.
・Ability to achieve great results by working as a team.
・Sincere attitude toward work and technology.
・Passionate about using technology to improve society.



Based on enthusiasm

An essential part of expressing the HOC organizational culture is that it is driven by the members' motivation.

Being motivated (ie “energetic”) means that you are seriously facing the outcome.

If we find significance in project results and have strong motivation, we will try to contribute to the results of each team member. This is synonymous with producing teamwork results.

Because of this culture, we can continue to be a very flat, flexible and high performing organization.

Learn or Die

Learn to die

All HOC members are very greedy to learn.

The field that HOC challenges is a field of great change, and learning is the only way to stay on the cutting edge.

We don't stick to one idea, one technology, one domain.

For example, HOC software engineers want to take on new challenges in hardware, and hardware researchers are excited to switch their field to HCI design.

As a result, HOC becomes a true learning organization composed of members with diverse backgrounds.

Proud, but Humble

Proud, but Humble

Take pride, but be humble

HOC is a technology-centric company. We will continue to challenge our achievements.

By doing so, we will attract the best human resources and continue to add friends.

At the same time, we have the right understanding of what we cannot achieve.

Recognizing that there are unfamiliar events and technologies in the world, that is why we can respect the ideas of members with diverse specialties to the fullest extent.

Boldly do what no one has done before

Boldly do what no one has done before

Boldly do what no one has done

Draw a better future and change the world with technology-We will challenge new software and hardware, new service and business transformation, and the creation of an unprecedented market.

I think that our mission in society is to do what HOC can do.

Core competitiveness


AI competition is fierce

AI tech at Cambridge University The world's top AI research team (with my son guolong participating) Rugby 5G technology invented by AI Deep learning (one of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for image recognition and voice recognition) Developed a rugby play analysis system combined with deep learning), shooting body movement with a camera, measuring body posture and movement when AI passes, AI coaching 5G technology


Core industrial software: Intelligent manufacturing of China's “no man's land, Harbin Bridge technology is the first team that can do core industrial software

The algorithm is not refined, and Chinese industrial robots are a bit "stupid". . . The core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology. We will make Chinese industrial robots alive. . .

China's domestic chip share is 0, the chip core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology, we are willing to sign ZTE Ali Dharma Pingtou brother Huawei, let China's domestic chip share rate of 100%. . .

iCLIP technology is also blank. Nobel's research and development of innovative drugs iCLIP technology Harbin Bridge technology is a top technical team, willing to develop innovative drugs in China. . . .

Neutrinos can easily penetrate the earth, the sun, and the universe. . . . Harbin Bridge Technology is developing a way to replace electromagnetic wave communication. Neutrino communication research and development. .


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd., led by Dr. Guolong Cambridge, Dr. Hong Hong Harvard, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, MIT and other doctoral teams, ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, AI machine learning, RPA, OCR -AI is a practical ability expert in the field of artificial intelligence, such as deep learning, and a professional team with 40 years of work experience. HOC Intelligent Technology is a national-level A-class team in China. It is also a scientific and technological support team with national science and technology support. It is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a key researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Tsinghua University. Integration with technological megatrends, leading analytical techniques used in government/local government, education/medical/healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications/broadcasting, construction/real estate, electricity/gas/water, networking, pharmaceuticals , agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, IEEE member, ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence related field (not limited to voice processing, including artificial intelligence in all fields) patent product contest won the first prize, and with Ali, Tencent, Huawei, etc. A number of contracts were signed. AI×5G brush face becomes the mainstream payment method, see what you buy, short video AI animation × 5G, AR VR and 3D, smart driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medical, smart driving intelligent business intelligence medical public security 5G robot 5G materials semiconductor sports entertainment and other fields of technology are our mainstream, the world's leading intelligent driving in key technologies such as separation and purification, innovative drugs, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano microspheres and low carbon nano materials. , smart manufacturing, robotics, smart medical

HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong's technical team won the Class A first class in the China Science and Technology Association, HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong Yuhong's technical team in the China Science and Technology Association and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. prize. Big health industry: Biomedicine, medical equipment, smart medical care, health management, etc. won the first prize of Class A.


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: HOC Intelligent Technology) was established in July 2019. As an artificial intelligence high-tech company, the company's founder Yu Honghong graduated from Harvard University School of Computer Science with a Ph.D. At the same time, he served as Director of CTO of NTTDATA Headquarters, Visiting Professor of Harvard Business School, Visiting Professor of School of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor of Southeast University, Visiting Professor of University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor of Osaka University, Visiting Professor of Kyoto University. The company's core team graduated from Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, Leuven University of Belgium, Worcester Polytechnic, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing Universities, Southeast University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other well-known universities at home and abroad; before creating and joining Nanjing Harbin Bridge Intelligent Technology, respectively in Alibaba, Tencent, NTTDATA, Google, Amazon, ZestFinance, SFL Scientific, Hongya Century Investment, Suning Jinfu, China Merchants Bank, Huawei, Zhongxing, Tuniu Finance and other industry benchmark enterprises or institutions.


Some of the results of the doctoral thesis have been commercial software as the core. So far, as the project leader, he has undertaken research and development work on 863 key projects, national science and technology support plan sub-projects, and projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published more than 510 research papers, including 50 articles in SCI and 60 articles in EI. 129 articles were included and 225 invention patents were obtained. Professors at Tsinghua University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Kyoto University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Oxford University, MIT, etc., focus on high-tech front-end technology research and development, and related products commercialization of platform companies. The company has strong capital and believes in geek culture. The core team members are from the industry elites with senior R&D and management experience from Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Huawei, Tencent and Ali. Computer software, computer technology Network technology, network technology Aerospace construction technology, 3D printing technology.


The top scientist of the famous deepmind is also the chief scientist of Google in the United States, From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round at its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".


The leading scientists in the team of leading scientists at the Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute in the UK hold technologies: financial information analysis technology, biomedical data analysis technology, DNA cell analysis technology, IoT data analysis technology, action behavior analysis technology, face Identification and analysis technology, bone analysis technology, manufacturing automation system, automatic design model technology, cloud system, cultural education system


Such as the development of special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Specific predictive analysis methods for data science and artificial intelligence authorization. .Top 100 AI Leader in Drug Discovery and Advanced Healthcare "(PDF) Research Scientist, Technical Specialist for Clinicians and Academia, Pharmaceutical Companies and Artificial Intelligence Companies. Winners include CSAIL Principal Investigator and MIT Professor Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis and Peter Szolovits. etc.


Examples of treatment of infertility AI technology medical big data analysis, can now treat azoosperm to make the surviving sperm into a chip, implanted into the human body AI technology medical big data analysis, now can make the living sperm into a chip, implanted in the human body The method can be treated well.


Smart Building An IT service provider that provides IT planning, development and operational services. After more than half a year of informationization reform represented by the fertile soil project, with the support of excellent cooperation such as McKinsey, Huawei and IBM, a professional technology team of about 1,000 people has been formed, including application system development, architecture and operation. Maintenance and other functions. With the transition from residential developers to urban supporting service providers, the diversified business strategy puts forward higher requirements for business integration, customer resource opening, and information system construction. The platform will play a more important role. On the one hand, hope Enhance the operational efficiency of existing core businesses through digitalization and improve the customer experience; on the other hand, it is expected to establish a strong platform to support multi-format development through digitalization and support the strategic vision of urban embryo service providers. In this context, the “fertile plan” to promote the digital transformation of Vanke came into being. After two years of development, under the concerted efforts of the group's management, experts in various functional departments, backbones of various front lines, excellent partners, and technology elites of technology companies, they have achieved staged development. In the future, we will continue to abide by the principle of “user-centered, technology-enabled business, and create real value”, and use new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, AI, and Internet of Things to make technology become a booster and management of the business. Lubricants help sustain the industry's leading position.


HOC Intelligent Technology's main business is based on artificial intelligence technology to provide independent third-party intelligent decision-making risk control services for financial institutions, and has been committed to helping banks and other financial institutions to be faster and more accurate through the development of small and micro enterprise credit evaluation algorithms. High-quality small and micro enterprises that urgently need funds. Dr. Yu Honghong has extensive experience in the evaluation of small and micro enterprises and individuals based on artificial intelligence technology. He was the founder and head of the ZestFinance model group, co-founder and chief wind controller of Turbo Financial Group, IDG Capital. Resident entrepreneur and investment consultant, Kabbage's chief scientist, focuses on developing credit assessments for small and micro enterprises.


Cooperated with the anti-cancer "Shenzhen" research in the Enze Hospital of Zhejiang Province, the world-class top scientist - Randy Wayne Sheikhman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, a famous American cell biologist Enze Hospital of the National Academy of Sciences, Taizhou Pharmaceutical Development

Https:// Google's technology, Huawei is currently likely to reach, Huawei and Harun Bridge signed.

Harbin Bridge is a team based in the United States and the United Kingdom. Google's technology is also one of the main cores of our team. Liverpool team signed smart sports

Japan Asteroid Cosmic Exploration AI, Kyoto University Medical AI Big Data Analysis won the 2018 Nobel Prize, and intelligent translation for search engines. At the beginning of the establishment of the institute, the company actively deployed frontier fields such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and set up various modular laboratories in Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Taizhou. We adhere to the concept of technology first, product use, with strong technical strength, and at the same time connect with universities and research institutions at home and abroad and cooperate with them, constantly innovate, strive for excellence, export industry-leading research results, and actively embrace the market, combining User experience, creating quality commercial products.


Successful funding from Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm provided £13 million for its probabilistic modeling platform. Professor Steve Young, Professor of Information Engineering, Cambridge University, Cambridge


Contact number 15371129229 WeChat yuhonghong7035 QQ 1500467240 E-mail





Venture capital and assessment


The characteristics of HOC Intelligent Technology Team is that it graduated from a prestigious university, and was born in science and technology. Relying on technological innovation, advanced management, high barriers to entry, establishing network effects, brand effects, patented technologies and economies of scale, competition is prepared for losers. Harbin Bridge Intelligent Technology can make other companies simply unable to do so. Business. It is determined that the CAC/LTV ratio of HOC Intelligent Technology (ie, the user acquisition cost/user lifetime value ratio of paid marketing) continues to increase this ratio. Establishing the core competitiveness of HOC Intelligent Technology, the explosive growth of the niche market, the successful cooperation of HOC Intelligent Technology Team for 10 years, the profit data of market traction is rising




Venture capitalists have done a process for HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd.

Careful evaluation of the technology, market potential and scale of the HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company and the management team, including contact with potential customers, consultation with technical experts and negotiations with key personnel of the management team such as legal persons, venture capital The family made a conclusion about the risk of HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing. Venture capitalists believe that the prospects are promising and begin negotiations on investment forms and valuations. Venture capitalists seek to adapt their return on investment to the risks they bear. Based on a practicable plan, venture capitalists analyze the value of the investment over the next three to five years, first calculating their cash flow or income forecasts, and then based on technology, management, skills, experience, business plans, intellectual property, and work progress. The assessment determines the risk and selects the appropriate discount rate to calculate the net present value of the company. HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company is about 20 billion yuan...




Welfare treatment: settlement of household registration, regular training, working meals, transportation subsidies, communication subsidy shuttles, purchase of housing activities, five insurances and two gold, paid vacation, providing home security gyms & personal education, overseas rotation opportunities research fund, high-temperature fake high-end medical examination abroad Opportunity, salary ranking, central enterprises, major projects, project incentives, etc.

Entry requirements

Basic algorithms and framework knowledge in machine learning

– Software development experience (C / C++ language, Python, R, MATLAB, Julia, etc.)

Only passionate people can fully demonstrate the tasks they are unable to accomplish and the potential for outstanding abilities.

・Continue to participate in major international academic conferences IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ (more than one year) through paper

・Familiarize with various fields with a positive attitude, not just computer science

・There are some best/single elements in the world for your field of study

・Strongly hope to put the technology into practical use (highly appreciated for the results of open source and projects)

・Be able to maintain high will

・People who know the results of the research (please send all the papers you participated in)

・What kind of motivation (what kind of research do you want to conduct)?

Machine learning research (including implementation and experimentation) and results representation

– deep knowledge of machine learning and related fields (deep learning, reinforcement learning, statistics, mathematical optimization, one field, strong field)

– Top IEEE papers accepted in international conferences and journals

– R&D experience in machine learning

– computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering degree, achievement or similar achievement

– Implementation and capability of experiments required for rapid and accurate R&D

– interest and experience in the application of joint research and development methods

– positive learning attitudes and challenges to unresolved issues

ホーム: お客様の声
Woman with White Jacket



Woman with Long Hair





Young Woman with Grey Sweater



Man with Blue Sweater
ホーム: スタッフ紹介



The consciousness of HOC Intelligent Technology is Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University-based research academia's leading academic research and development team with more than 380 people. Provided by ScientistCutting-edge technology, customer-provided products, and high-quality products. Many years of industry knowledge, knowledge, technology, efficiency, and efficiency.

ホーム: ポートフォリオ



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深層学習(Deep Learning)を中心とした人工知能(AI)技術を活用した、取り組む事業における研究開発を行って頂きます。



・chainer / tensorflow / caffe 等の深層学習フレームワークを利用した20年以上の実装経験
・深層学習(Deep Learning)のモデル実装経験










AI competition is fierce

AI tech at Cambridge University The world's top AI research team (with my son guolong participating) Rugby 5G technology invented by AI Deep learning (one of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for image recognition and voice recognition) Developed a rugby play analysis system combined with deep learning), shooting body movement with a camera, measuring body posture and movement when AI passes, AI coaching 5G technology


Core industrial software: Intelligent manufacturing of China's “no man's land, Harbin Bridge technology is the first team that can do core industrial software

The algorithm is not refined, and Chinese industrial robots are a bit "stupid". . . The core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology. We will make Chinese industrial robots alive. . .

China's domestic chip share is 0, the chip core algorithm is that Harbin Bridge technology is the top technology, we are willing to sign ZTE Ali Dharma Pingtou brother Huawei, let China's domestic chip share rate of 100%. . .

iCLIP technology is also blank. Nobel's research and development of innovative drugs iCLIP technology Harbin Bridge technology is a top technical team, willing to develop innovative drugs in China. . . .

Neutrinos can easily penetrate the earth, the sun, and the universe. . . . Harbin Bridge Technology is developing a way to replace electromagnetic wave communication. Neutrino communication research and development. .


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd., led by Dr. Guolong Cambridge, Dr. Hong Hong Harvard, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, MIT and other doctoral teams, ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, AI machine learning, RPA, OCR -AI is a practical ability expert in the field of artificial intelligence, such as deep learning, and a professional team with 40 years of work experience. HOC Intelligent Technology is a national-level A-class team in China. It is also a scientific and technological support team with national science and technology support. It is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a key researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Tsinghua University. Integration with technological megatrends, leading analytical techniques used in government/local government, education/medical/healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications/broadcasting, construction/real estate, electricity/gas/water, networking, pharmaceuticals , agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, IEEE member, ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence related field (not limited to voice processing, including artificial intelligence in all fields) patent product contest won the first prize, and with Ali, Tencent, Huawei, etc. A number of contracts were signed. AI×5G brush face becomes the mainstream payment method, see what you buy, short video AI animation × 5G, AR VR and 3D, smart driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medical, smart driving intelligent business intelligence medical public security 5G robot 5G materials semiconductor sports entertainment and other fields of technology are our mainstream, the world's leading intelligent driving in key technologies such as separation and purification, innovative drugs, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano microspheres and low carbon nano materials. , smart manufacturing, robotics, smart medical

HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong's technical team won the Class A first class in the China Science and Technology Association, HOC Intelligent Technology Guolong Yuhong's technical team in the China Science and Technology Association and Jiangsu Provincial People's Government. prize. Big health industry: Biomedicine, medical equipment, smart medical care, health management, etc. won the first prize of Class A.


HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: HOC Intelligent Technology) was established in July 2019. As an artificial intelligence high-tech company, the company's founder Yu Honghong graduated from Harvard University School of Computer Science with a Ph.D. At the same time, he served as Director of CTO of NTTDATA Headquarters, Visiting Professor of Harvard Business School, Visiting Professor of School of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor of Southeast University, Visiting Professor of University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor of Osaka University, Visiting Professor of Kyoto University. The company's core team graduated from Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, Leuven University of Belgium, Worcester Polytechnic, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing Universities, Southeast University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other well-known universities at home and abroad; before creating and joining Nanjing Harbin Bridge Intelligent Technology, respectively in Alibaba, Tencent, NTTDATA, Google, Amazon, ZestFinance, SFL Scientific, Hongya Century Investment, Suning Jinfu, China Merchants Bank, Huawei, Zhongxing, Tuniu Finance and other industry benchmark enterprises or institutions.


Some of the results of the doctoral thesis have been commercial software as the core. So far, as the project leader, he has undertaken research and development work on 863 key projects, national science and technology support plan sub-projects, and projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and published more than 510 research papers, including 50 articles in SCI and 60 articles in EI. 129 articles were included and 225 invention patents were obtained. Professors at Tsinghua University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Kyoto University, Cambridge University, Harvard University, Oxford University, MIT, etc., focus on high-tech front-end technology research and development, and related products commercialization of platform companies. The company has strong capital and believes in geek culture. The core team members are from the industry elites with senior R&D and management experience from Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Huawei, Tencent and Ali. Computer software, computer technology Network technology, network technology Aerospace construction technology, 3D printing technology.




The top scientist of the famous deepmind is also the chief scientist of Google in the United States, From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round at its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".


The leading scientists in the team of leading scientists at the Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute in the UK hold technologies: financial information analysis technology, biomedical data analysis technology, DNA cell analysis technology, IoT data analysis technology, action behavior analysis technology, face Identification and analysis technology, bone analysis technology, manufacturing automation system, automatic design model technology, cloud system, cultural education system


Such as the development of special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Specific predictive analysis methods for data science and artificial intelligence authorization. .Top 100 AI Leader in Drug Discovery and Advanced Healthcare "(PDF) Research Scientist, Technical Specialist for Clinicians and Academia, Pharmaceutical Companies and Artificial Intelligence Companies. Winners include CSAIL Principal Investigator and MIT Professor Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis and Peter Szolovits. etc.


Examples of treatment of infertility AI technology medical big data analysis, can now treat azoosperm to make the surviving sperm into a chip, implanted into the human body AI technology medical big data analysis, now can make the living sperm into a chip, implanted in the human body The method can be treated well.



Smart Building An IT service provider that provides IT planning, development and operational services. After more than half a year of informationization reform represented by the fertile soil project, with the support of excellent cooperation such as McKinsey, Huawei and IBM, a professional technology team of about 1,000 people has been formed, including application system development, architecture and operation. Maintenance and other functions. With the transition from residential developers to urban supporting service providers, the diversified business strategy puts forward higher requirements for business integration, customer resource opening, and information system construction. The platform will play a more important role. On the one hand, hope Enhance the operational efficiency of existing core businesses through digitalization and improve the customer experience; on the other hand, it is expected to establish a strong platform to support multi-format development through digitalization and support the strategic vision of urban embryo service providers. In this context, the “fertile plan” to promote the digital transformation of Vanke came into being. After two years of development, under the concerted efforts of the group's management, experts in various functional departments, backbones of various front lines, excellent partners, and technology elites of technology companies, they have achieved staged development. In the future, we will continue to abide by the principle of “user-centered, technology-enabled business, and create real value”, and use new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, AI, and Internet of Things to make technology become a booster and management of the business. Lubricants help sustain the industry's leading position.


HOC Intelligent Technology's main business is based on artificial intelligence technology to provide independent third-party intelligent decision-making risk control services for financial institutions, and has been committed to helping banks and other financial institutions to be faster and more accurate through the development of small and micro enterprise credit evaluation algorithms. High-quality small and micro enterprises that urgently need funds. Dr. Yu Honghong has extensive experience in the evaluation of small and micro enterprises and individuals based on artificial intelligence technology. He was the founder and head of the ZestFinance model group, co-founder and chief wind controller of Turbo Financial Group, IDG Capital. Resident entrepreneur and investment consultant, Kabbage's chief scientist, focuses on developing credit assessments for small and micro enterprises.


Cooperated with the anti-cancer "Shenzhen" research in the Enze Hospital of Zhejiang Province, the world-class top scientist - Randy Wayne Sheikhman, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, a famous American cell biologist Enze Hospital of the National Academy of Sciences, Taizhou Pharmaceutical Development

Https:// Google's technology, Huawei is currently likely to reach, Huawei and Harun Bridge signed.

Harbin Bridge is a team based in the United States and the United Kingdom. Google's technology is also one of the main cores of our team. Liverpool team signed smart sports

Japan Asteroid Cosmic Exploration AI, Kyoto University Medical AI Big Data Analysis won the 2018 Nobel Prize, and intelligent translation for search engines. At the beginning of the establishment of the institute, the company actively deployed frontier fields such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and set up various modular laboratories in Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Taizhou. We adhere to the concept of technology first, product use, with strong technical strength, and at the same time connect with universities and research institutions at home and abroad and cooperate with them, constantly innovate, strive for excellence, export industry-leading research results, and actively embrace the market, combining User experience, creating quality commercial products.


Successful funding from Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm provided £13 million for its probabilistic modeling platform. Professor Steve Young, Professor of Information Engineering, Cambridge University, Cambridge


Contact number 15371129229 WeChat yuhonghong7035 QQ 1500467240 E-mail

ホーム: 採用情報
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智能动漫 智能漫画 智能游戏

Man Hands On Keyboard



可提供低成本、高度灵活、快速落地的智慧工地解决方案。该方案可通过 AI 视觉技术为建筑商提供基于人脸的实名制平台,实现建筑工地出入口接近 99.9% 的出入统计,包括出入口门禁闸机管理、考勤管理、工资统计等;同时提供安全帽实时检测及高危场所预警,通过技术手段保障工人的安全。

ホーム: サービス

The consciousness of HOC Intelligent Technology is Harvard University, Oxford University, Cambridge University-based research academia's leading academic research and development team with more than 380 people. Provided by ScientistCutting-edge technology, customer-provided products, and high-quality products. Many years of industry knowledge, knowledge, technology, efficiency, and efficiency.

ホーム: HTML の埋め込み





  • 随机森林,神经网络,支持向量机,决策树类的单个模型以及上述单个模型的bagging算法

  • 适用于机器学习的cross validation算法

  • 各种基础算法的stacking方法实现

  • 决策树的gradient boosting machine 算法

  • 基于SVM的半监督学习等。

哈牛桥智能科技具有Cutting edge technology的商标 专利 著作权


核心工业软件:智能制造的中国“无人区  ,哈牛桥技术就是第一个可以做核心工业软件的团队

算法不精,中国工业机器人有点“笨” 。。。核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术。我们会让中国工业机器人活起来。。。

中国国产芯片占有率为0,芯片核心算法就是哈牛桥技术就是顶尖的技术,我们愿意签约中兴 阿里 达摩院平头哥  华为 ,让中国国产芯片占有率为100%。。。




其中博士论文中部分成果作为核心已被商业软件。迄今作为课题负责人承担过863重点项目、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目的研发工作,发表科研论文510余篇,其中SCI收录50篇,EI收录60篇,ISTP收录129篇,获得发明专利225项。在清华大学,东京大学,大阪大学,京都大学,剑桥大学,哈佛大学 牛津大学,MIT等人工智能领域教授为主团队专注于高科技领域前沿技术研发、以及相关产品商业化的平台型公司。公司自有资本雄厚,信仰极客文化,核心团队成员均为来自Google、亚马逊,Facebook,IBM,微软,英伟达,华为、腾讯,阿里等具有资深研发、管理经验的行业精英。计算机软件,计算机技术 网络科技,网络技术 航天 建造技术,3D打印技术等。



著名的deepmind的顶级科学家也是美国谷歌的首席科学家,From Google, Amazon, Apple and Arm successful £13million funding round for its probabilistic modelling platform. Professor Steve Young information engineering at the University of Cambridge development team based in Cambridge".




如开展与先进生物医学相关的特殊案例研究。数据科学和人工智能授权的特定预测分析方法。.Top 100 AI药物发现和高级医疗领域的领导者“(PDF)研究科学家,临床医生和学术界,制药公司和人工智能公司的技术专家称号。获奖者包括CSAIL首席研究员和麻省理工学院教授Regina Barzilay,Tommi Jaakkola,Manolis Kellis和Peter Szolovits .等


例子治疗不孕 AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以治疗无精子把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法AI技术医学大数据分析,现在可以把存活的精子做成芯片,植入人体的方法是可以治疗好的。


智能建筑 提供IT规划、开发和运营服务的IT服务供应商。经过以沃土计划为代表的半年多的信息化变革,在麦肯锡、华为、IBM等优秀合作的支持下,目前已形成了一支约1000人的专业化科技团队,囊括应用系统开发、架构、运营维护等多种职能。随着从住宅开发商向城市配套服务商转型,多元业务战略对业务间整合、客户资源打通、信息系统建设等提出了更高的要求,平台中将扮演更为重要的角色.一方面,希望通过数字化提升现有核心业务的运营效率,改善客户体验;另一方面,期待通过数字化建立一个强大的支撑多业态发展的基础平台,支撑实现城市胚胎服务商的战略愿景。在此背景下,推动万科数字化变革的“沃土计划”应运而生。经过两年的发展,在集团管理层、各职能部门专家、各一线业务骨干、优秀合作伙伴、科技公司技术精英的协力奋斗下,并取得了阶段性发展。未来我们将继续恪守“以用户为中心,以科技赋能业务、创造真实价值”的原则,利用大数据、云计算、AI、物联网等新技术,让科技成为业务的助推器、管理的润滑剂,助力持续保持行业内的领军地位。

由 SAIC 基金会发起成立,研发团队由来自中国、美国、英国,日本的顶尖 AI 应用技术专家组成,已经成功开发打造了深度学习训练平台、分布式数据存储、全球超算中心、边缘计算产品,技术社区等系列项目,并聚集了 30000 多名来自全球各大高等院校和企业的 AI 开发者和爱好者。开始国际化进程,以美国子公司为核心辐射欧美国家,以英国 新加坡子公司与香港子公司的区域优势带动台湾、马来西亚、印尼、泰国等东南亚市场的发展,广联达正在积极向国际化、全球化迈进。获得“国家规划布局内重点软件企业”资质,并荣膺中国AAA级信用企业、纳税信用A级企业、中国十大创新软件企业等资质和称号——专业的产品、完善的服务与科学的管理,获得了广大客户与行业的高度认可,同时,不断践诺社会责任的广联达,赢得了媒体与社会的信赖。

是基于 超算网络的分布式 AI 模型训练平台,可为 AI 开发者提供无限扩容的 GPU 算力资源,用于深度学习模型训练,支持 TensorFlow、Keras、Pytorch、MXNnet 等框架,可直接使用。超算网络基于点对点分布式文件存储协议推出的一项更快捷、更安全的分布式数据存储服务,拥有 10G 存储,可一站式满足存储和管理的开发需求。基于超算网络的多功能超级计算服务器,适配 超算集群 SDK,附带深度学习环开发套件及环境,可提供高强度的并行计算能力。
值得注意的是,SAIC 基金会是一个面向全球 AI 开发者和爱好者的技术型基金会,同时也是微软的银牌合作伙伴和 Linux 基金会的银牌会员。(本文独家首发链得得 App)未来数字架构的 AI、IOT、5G 和区块链时代,算力将作为基础能源而存在。具有分布式特征,边缘计算逻辑的算力商用平台,将爆发巨大的商业价值。与此同时,精准垂直于 AI 应用开发场景的分布式算力工具平台,小孔切入空间巨大,将更容易实现规模商业化的体系服务,从而获得先机。



哈牛桥智能科技主营业务是基于人工智能技术为金融机构提供独立第三方智能决策风控服务,并一直致力于通过研发小微企业信用评估算法帮助银行和其他金融机构能够更快捷和更准确地服务急需资金的优质小微企业。于红红博士有着丰富的基于人工智能技术对小微企业和个人进行信用评估的经验,曾经担任ZestFinance模型组的创始人和负责人,Turbo Financial Group的联合创始人兼首席风控官,IDG资本驻站企业家和投资顾问,Kabbage的首席科学家,着重研发针对小微企业的信用评估。


和浙江省恩泽医院的抗癌“神药”研究合作签约合作,世界级顶尖科学家——兰迪·韦恩·谢克曼2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者,美国著名的细胞生物学家,美国国家科学院院士的恩泽医院,台州药企研制  谷歌的技术,目前华为有可能达到,华为和哈牛桥签约了。



日本小行星宇宙探测AI,京都大学医疗AI大数据分析获得2018年诺贝尔奖,智能翻译用于搜索引擎等 。研究院成立伊始,公司积极布局人工智能、区块链等前沿领域,并在南京、上海、杭州、苏州、台州筹建成立各模块实验室。我们秉持技术为先,产品为用的理念,凭借过硬的技术实力,同时连接海内外的高校及科研机构并与之合作,不断创新、精益求精,输出业界一流的研究成果,并积极拥抱市场,结合用户体验,打造优质的商业化产品。


来自谷歌,亚马逊,苹果和Arm的成功资金为其概率建模平台提供了1300万英镑的资金。 位于剑桥的剑桥大学开发团队的Steve Young教授信息工程国龙教授团队





哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的






对于风险投资企业和风险投资者  对于中国人 可以作为股东, 对于累计或一次性10亿万以上风险投资企业,有哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司5%的股权,在10年内哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司效益的5%作为报酬分红。对于外国人只要分红权 不可以作为股东。。。但是特殊情况可以特殊处理



目前哈牛桥智能科技已在天使轮、Pre A轮、A轮、B轮、PreC融资中获得了来自峰瑞资本、云启资本、创世伙伴资本、游族网络、国和投资等数亿元的融资。红杉资本的融资正在洽谈




ホーム: 特徴



Professor of Cambridge


University of Cambridge.





国龙,1995年7月生,中国科学院研究员,JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员CAAI中英人工智能协会China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association 会员


Guolong The University of Cambridge

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence,LCFI英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家

剑桥大学计算机博士毕业,剑桥大学教授,首席技术官。前沿科技领航人。AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。

高中留学英国,就读剑桥大学本科,硕士,于2017年获得英国剑桥大学计算机科学博士学位。迄今为止,作为项目负责人,他曾在863个重大项目,国家科学技术支持计划的子项目以及国家自然科学基金的项目中进行研发,并发表了包括SCI的12篇论文和EI的28篇论文。收集了29篇文章,并获得了多项发明专利。目前,中国科学院信息科学研究院开设基础课程“计算机视觉与图像理解”和专业基础课程“现代计算机视觉”。深度科技专注于AI,区块链大数据分析云,ERP顾问和技术大趋势融合。东欧的药物发现,金融科技和区块链,亚洲的金融科技和区块链.5核心技术-生物识别,人工智能,聊天机器人,数据分析,区块链。 4个子行业:贷款,支付,储蓄,保险。进行与先进生物医学有关的特殊案例研究。数据科学和AI增强了预测分析的具体方法。对于我们用于设计投资策略并与战略合作伙伴合作的特定远见,高级预测着重于DeepTech行业的融合。研究学术界,制药公司和AI公司的科学家,临床医生和技术人员。我们的团队包括Tasuku Honjo博士,Yusuke Honjo博士,诺贝尔生理学的PD-1,CSAIL的首席研究员,麻省理工学院的Regina Barzilay,Tommi Jaakkola,Manolis Kellis和Peter Szolovits。

主要研究领域为ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工 智能专家,负责人承担过863重点项目、国家科技支撑计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目的研发工作,发表科研论文510余篇,其中SCI收录50篇,EI收录60篇,ISTP收录129篇,获得发明专利225项


AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别。中国科学技术协会、江苏省浙江省人民政府主办的大赛中获得A类一等奖。大健康产业:生物医药、医疗器械、智慧医疗、健康管理等获得A类一等奖。

主要研究领域为计算机视觉,大数据 区块链,自然语言 处理。阿里巴巴集团首席技术专家

AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

清华大学的机器学习教授。与技术大趋势,尖端分析技术,政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造,物流,通信/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药的集成用于农业,零售,制造业,运输,体育,航空航天,广告,物联网,信息通信技术和其他行业。英国剑桥大学教授,清华大学计算机科学客座教授,中国科学技术协会江苏省政府京都大学客座教授赞助的竞赛类别A赢得大健康产业一等奖:生物医学,医疗设备,智能医学,保健等。获得类别A最佳奖。 ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域包括人工智能各个领域)在专利产品竞赛,阿里,腾讯,华为等合同中获得最高奖并达成了众多合同。 AI x 5G刷脸已成为主流支付方式,所见即所得,短视频AI动画x 5G,AR VR和3D,智能驾驶,金融,5G远程医疗5G AI药品,智能驾驶,智能商务,智能商务,智能医疗,公安5G机器人5G材料,半导体,体育,娱乐和其他技术是我们的主流技术,分离和纯化,创新药物,生物技术,芯片设计,量子点显示,多点触控,纳米微球,低碳纳米材料智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人技术和智能医疗的全球关键技术。面部和身体分析技术,SLAM和3D视觉,通用和专业图像识别,机器人控制和传感,大规模视频理解和挖掘,增强医学图像分析的图像和视频处理,人工智能计算平台,人工智能超级计算平台,自主开发的培训框架,人工智能高性能存储通过结合高性能异构计算软件和硬件,高性能,设计和开发低成本,低功耗的边缘人工智能芯片和解决方案,以开拓合作伙伴。对于智能驾驶和AIoT,可以为边缘到边缘的AI芯片提供超高性价比,极高的能效,开放的工具链,丰富的算法模型样本以及全面的激活服务。现在,基于创新的人工智能专用计算架构的BPU(脑处理单元)正在成功流式传输。中国第一台边缘人工智能处理器-专注于智能驾驶的系统和专注于AIoT的系统。并且已经大规模商业化。中国人工智能学会,英国科学局委员以及英国众议院科学技术委员会成员,英国众议院(科学技术委员会)英国文化协会开放数据研究所(ODI)艾伦·图灵人工智能研究所,剑桥大学,爱丁堡大学,牛津大学,伦敦大学,包括华威大学EPSRC协会




Guolong The University of Cambridge Cambridge博士OXBridge教授  

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence,LCFI英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家

AlibabaGroup合同单位 哈牛橋智能科技 国龙 副总经理 CTO


AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别。中国科学技术协会、江苏省浙江省人民政府主办的大赛中获得A类一等奖。大健康产业:生物医药、医疗器械、智慧医疗、健康管理等获得A类一等奖。

主要研究领域为计算机视觉,大数据 区块链,自然语言 处理。阿里巴巴集团首席技术专家

AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

JSAI人工知能学会 正会員

CiNii Articles:
CiNii Books:
CiNii Dissertations:



英国政府科学办公室(Government Office of Science)和英国下议院科学

技术委员会(The House of Commons’Science and Technology Committee)





Guo Long, born in July 1995, is a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a full member of the JSAI artificial intelligence society, an IEEE member, a SIGIR member, a CAAI member of the Chinese artificial intelligence society, and a member of the AAA1 international artificial intelligence society. Member of ACM, British Artificial Intelligence China Member of ACM CAAI Member of China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association

The main research areas include ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts, computer vision, multimedia technology and machine learning. Dr. Cambridge Professor OXBridge

Guolong The University of Cambridge

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, LCFI Scientist, Top Research Institute, LCFI Labs, UK

He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, a professor at the University of Cambridge, and a CTO. Leader in cutting-edge technology. AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, quantum artificial intelligence and other top cutting-edge technologies.

High school studying in the UK, undergraduate, master's degree at Cambridge University, in 2017 received a PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge, UK. So far, as the project leader, he has conducted research and development in 863 major projects, sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Program, and projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has published 12 papers including SCI and 28 papers from EI . Collected 29 articles and obtained multiple invention patents. At present, the Institute of Information Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences offers basic courses "Computer Vision and Image Understanding" and professional basic courses "Modern Computer Vision". Deep Tech focuses on the integration of AI, blockchain big data analysis cloud, ERP consultants and technology megatrends. Drug discovery in Eastern Europe, fintech and blockchain, fintech and blockchain in Asia. 5 core technologies-biometrics, artificial intelligence, chatbots, data analysis, blockchain. 4 sub-sectors: loans, payments, savings, insurance. Conduct special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Data science and AI enhance specific methods of predictive analytics. For the specific vision we use to design investment strategies and work with strategic partners, advanced forecasts focus on the convergence of the DeepTech industry. Research scientists, clinicians and technicians in academia, pharmaceutical companies and AI companies. Our team includes Dr. Tasuku Honjo, Dr. Yusuke Honjo, Nobel's PD-1 Physiology, CSAIL's lead researcher, MIT Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis and Peter Szolovits.

The main research areas are ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts. The person in charge has undertaken research and development work on 863 key projects, sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Plan, and National Natural Science Foundation projects. More than 510 scientific papers, of which 50 are included in SCI, 60 are included in EI, 129 are included in ISTP, and 225 invention patents have been obtained

For example, computer vision, multimedia technology, machine learning, Tsinghua University professor. Convergence with technology megatrends, leading analytics technologies are used in government / local government, education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, electricity / gas / water, networking, pharmaceuticals , Agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries.

AI reporter sports intelligent driving AI accounting lawyer AI surgical robot AI interrogation misdiagnosed AI robot funeral VR AR 3D AI crime tracking AI image recognition. China Science and Technology Association, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Provincial People's Government hosted the contest and won the first prize in category A. Big health industry: Biomedicine, medical equipment, smart medicine, health management, etc. won first prize in category A.

His main research fields are computer vision, big data blockchain, and natural language processing. Chief Technology Specialist of Alibaba Group

Rugby 5G technology invented by AI deep learning (one of the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies used for image recognition and speech recognition) Developed a rugby game analysis system that combines deep learning, shooting human movements with a camera, and measuring the body passing by AI Posture and movement, AI-guided 5G technology

Professor of Machine Learning at Tsinghua University. Integration with technology megatrends, cutting-edge analytical technologies, government / local government, education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, power / gas / water, networking, and pharmaceuticals for agriculture, Retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, Internet of Things, ICT and other industries. Professor A of Cambridge University, Visiting Professor of Computer Science at Tsinghua University, and Visiting Professor of Chinese University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Province, Kyoto University, won the first prize of the big health industry in the competition category A: biomedical, medical equipment, intelligent medicine, health care, etc. Won Category A Best Award. ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence-related fields (not limited to the field of speech processing including artificial intelligence fields) won the highest award in patent product competitions, Ali, Tencent, Huawei and other contracts and reached many contracts. AI x 5G face brushing has become the mainstream payment method, WYSIWYG, short video AI animation x 5G, AR VR and 3D, smart driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medicine, smart driving, smart commerce, smart commerce, smart Medical, public security 5G robots, 5G materials, semiconductors, sports, entertainment and other technologies are our mainstream technologies, separation and purification, innovative drugs, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano-microspheres, low carbon Global key technologies for nanomaterials smart driving, smart manufacturing, robotics and smart medical. Face and body analysis technology, SLAM and 3D vision, general and professional image recognition, robot control and sensing, large-scale video understanding and mining, image and video processing to enhance medical image analysis, artificial intelligence computing platform, artificial intelligence supercomputing platform , Self-developed training framework, artificial intelligence high-performance storage By combining high-performance heterogeneous computing software and hardware, high-performance, design and develop low-cost, low-power edge artificial intelligence chips and solutions to develop partners. For intelligent driving and AIoT, it can provide edge-to-edge AI chips with super high cost performance, high energy efficiency, open tool chain, rich algorithm model samples, and comprehensive activation services. Now, BPU (brain processing unit) based on innovative artificial intelligence-specific computing architecture is successfully streaming. China's first edge artificial intelligence processor-a system focused on intelligent driving and a system focused on AIoT. And it has been commercialized on a large scale. Member of the Chinese Academy of Artificial Intelligence, a member of the British Science Bureau and a member of the House of Science and Technology Committee, the House of Commons (Science and Technology Committee), Allen Turing Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Open Data Institute (ODI), Cambridge University, University of Edinburgh, University of Oxford, University of London, including University of Warwick EPSRC

Suitable for AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, big data, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, government / local government State-of-the-art technology education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, telecommunications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, electricity / gas / water, networking, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, physical Internet, ICT and other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECVC, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.

work experience

Dr. Guolong The University of Cambridge Cambridge

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, LCFI Scientist, Top Research Institute, LCFI Labs, UK

AlibabaGroup contract unit Haniuqiao Intelligent Technology Guolong Deputy General Manager CTO

Professor of computer vision, multimedia technology, machine learning, Tsinghua University. Convergence with technology megatrends, leading analytics technologies are used in government / local government, education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, electricity / gas / water, networking, pharmaceuticals , Agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transportation, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries.

AI reporter sports intelligent driving AI accounting lawyer AI surgical robot AI interrogation misdiagnosed AI robot funeral VR AR 3D AI crime tracking AI image recognition. China Science and Technology Association, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Provincial People's Government hosted the contest and won the first prize in category A. Big health industry: Biomedicine, medical equipment, smart medicine, health management, etc. won first prize in category A.

His main research fields are computer vision, big data blockchain, and natural language processing. Chief Technology Specialist of Alibaba Group

Rugby 5G technology invented by AI deep learning (one of the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies used for image recognition and speech recognition) Developed a rugby game analysis system that combines deep learning, shooting human movements with a camera, and measuring the body passing by AI Posture and movement, AI-guided 5G technology

JSAI Artificial Intelligence Society Regular Member

CiNii Articles:

CiNii Books:

CiNii Dissertations:

Scientific Research Grants Support Business | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Scientific research grants help undertakings-Scientific research costs-: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Government Office of Science and UK House of Commons Science

The Technical Committee (The House of Commons ’Science and Technology Committee)

British Council on Artificial Intelligence

Open Data Institute (ODI)

Including the Alan Turing Institute and the EPSRC Association of Cambridge University, Edinburgh University, Oxford University, University of London, University of Warwick Association for Artificial Intelligence

Member of AAA1 International Artificial Intelligence Association


Senior Research Scholar (2018 - today)
Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford

Research Affiliate (2019 - today)
Center for the Governance of AI, University of Oxford

Affiliate (2018 - today)
Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University


DPhil Philosophy, University of Oxford (2014 - 2018)
Advisors: Prof. Christopher Timpson and Prof. Harvey Brown
Topic: The Scope of Thermodynamics

MSt Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford (2013 - 2014)
University of Oxford, Modules: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind

MSc Physics, Freie Universität Berlin (2011 - 2013)
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert
Thesis title: Superactivation of Gaussian Quantum Channels

BSc Physics, Freie Universität Berlin (2007 - 2011)
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle
Thesis title: Thermophoresis of Aureochrome


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University (2017, 2018)

Visiting Fellow, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich (2018)

Vice Chancellor's Fund Award, University of Oxford (2018)

Doctoral Scholarship Award, British Society for the Philosophy of Science (2014 - 2017)

Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore (2011)

Scholarship, Begabtenförderung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2007 - 2013)


C. Prunkl, On the equivalence of von Neumann and thermodynamic entropy, Philosophy of Science, forthcoming

C. Prunkl and C. Timpson, On the thermodynamical cost of some interpretations of quantum theory,  Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 2018

C. Prunkl, The Road to Quantum Thermodynamics, forthcoming in Quantum Foundations of Statistical Mechanics, eds. C. Timpson, D. Bedingham, OUP 2019

V.U. Ludwig, C. Stelzel, C. Prunkl,  H. Krutiak, R. Steimke, L.M. Paschke, N. Kathmann and H. Walter, Impulsivity,self-control and hypnotic suggestibility. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(2):647-653, 2013


C. Prunkl, Endlich Unendlich - auf der Suche nach dem ewigen Leben. SHIFT, 4:14-19, 2016

C. Prunkl, Das Schummeln der Lämmer - Von kleinen Lügen und großen Konsequenzen, SHIFT, 1:42-46, 2013


C. Prunkl and C. Timpson, Black Hole Entropy is Entropy, 2016

C. Prunkl and K. Robertson, Thermodynamics without Observers, 2017


Boltzmann Brains and Simulations - Rethinking the Skeptical Hypothesis
Philosophy of Physics Seminar, Universität Bonn, 2019

Thermodynamik und Schwarze Löcher - ein Exkurs
1. DPG Wochenendseminar zur Philosophie der Physik, Universität Bonn, 2018

The Role of Information in Black Hole Thermodynamics
Foundational Problems of Black Holes and Gravitation, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, 2018

Resource Theories and Axiomatic Thermodynamics
Philosophy of Physics Conference, University of Western Ontario, 2018

Black Hole Entropy, how much information do we need?
Sigma Club, London School of Economics, 2018
Philosophy of Physics Seminar, University of Oxford, 2018
The Black Hole Initiative Colloquium, Harvard University, 2017

On the thermodynamical cost associated with some quantum interpretations.
Leuven-Buenos Aires Workshop on the Philosophy of Physics, University of Leuven, 2016


Black Holes and Information
European Philosophy of Science Association, Geneva 2019

Symposium on Black Holes: Entropy and System Size
British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Oxford 2018

Thermodynamics without Observers?
Conference on the Second Law of Thermodynamics, LMU München, 2017

Black Hole Entropy is Entropy (and not Information)
Thinking about Space and Time: 100 Years of Applying and Interpreting General Relativity, University of Bern, 2017
5th International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Saig, 2017

A Tale of Two Entropies - defending the von Neumann Entropy.
Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, 2016

Are some quantum interpretations hotter than others?
British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Cardiff, 2016


Governance of AI, University of Oxford, 2019
Advanced Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford, 2019
The Ethics of AI, Oxford AI Society, University of Oxford, 2019
Introduction to Logic, Teaching Assistant, University of Oxford, 2017
Philosophy of Science, Tutor, University of Oxford, 2015
Quantum Theory and Quantum Computers, Teaching Assistant, University of Oxford, 2014


Expert on Governance of AI
UK 2070 Commission

Expert Panelist, Mentor
A.I. Impact Weekend at the Oxford Foundry, 8.-10.2.2019

Work experience

  • Research Scientist in AI safety, DeepMind (2016-present)

    • theoretical and experimental research on keeping advanced AI systems robust and beneficial

  • Software Engineering Intern, Google (2015)

    • developed and implemented machine learning algorithms for the Knowledge Graph

  • Decision Support Engineering Intern, Google (2013)

    • built statistical models of the impact of ads quality on click-through rate in R

  • Teaching Fellow in Statistics, Harvard University (2012-2013)

  • Quantitative Analyst Intern, D.E.Shaw & Co (2012)

    • developed and tested risk modeling algorithms using statistical and numerical optimization methods in Python

  • Summer Research Analyst in Computer Science, University of Toronto (2009)

  • Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, University of Toronto (2007-2011)


  • Harvard University, PhD, Statistics (2016)

  • University of Toronto, MS, Statistics (2011)

  • University of Toronto, Honors BS with High Distinction (GPA 3.76/4.00), Statistics / Mathematics (2010)



  • IMO Silver medal, International Mathematical Olympiad (2006)

  • Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize (2008)

    • highest ranking woman in the Putnam mathematics competition in North America

  • University of Toronto Putnam mathematics competition team (2006-2009)

    • 3-person team consistently ranked in top 10 in North America

  • ACM programming competition team (2007-2008)

    • 3-person team competed on the regional level in North America

1995年7月生まれのGuo Longは、中国科学アカデミーの研究者、JSAI人工知能学会の正会員、IEEE会員、SIGIR会員、中国人工知能協会のCAAI会員、および国際人工知能学会AAA1の会員です。 ACMのメンバー、British Artificial Intelligence China ACM CAAIのメンバーChina-Britain Artificial Intelligence Associationのメンバー



LCFI Scientist、LCFI Labs、英国

彼は、ケンブリッジ大学のコンピューターサイエンスの博士号、ケンブリッジ大学の教授、CTOを取得しています。最先端技術のリーダー。 AI、IoT、RPA、OCR-AI、ERP、クラウド、ビッグデータ、ブロックチェーン、ICT、5G、3D、AR、VR、iCLIP、コア産業ソフトウェア、コアアルゴリズム、ニュートリノ、量子人工知能、その他の最先端技術

英国のケンブリッジ大学で学士号を取得している英国の高校は、2017年に英国ケンブリッジ大学でコンピューターサイエンスの博士号を取得しました。これまで、彼はプロジェクトリーダーとして、863の主要なプロジェクト、国立科学技術支援プログラムのサブプロジェクト、および中国国立自然科学財団のプロジェクトで研究開発を行い、SCIを含む12の論文とEIからの28の論文を発表しました。 。 29件の記事を収集し、複数の発明特許を取得しました。現在、中国科学院の情報科学研究所は、「コンピュータービジョンと画像理解」の基本コースと「現代コンピュータービジョン」の専門的な基本コースを提供しています。 Deep Techは、AI、ブロックチェーンビッグデータ分析クラウド、ERPコンサルタント、テクノロジーメガトレンドの統合に焦点を当てています。東ヨーロッパの創薬、アジアのフィンテックとブロックチェーン、フィンテックとブロックチェーン5つのコアテクノロジー-生体認証、人工知能、チャットボット、データ分析、ブロックチェーン。 4つのサブセクター:ローン、支払い、貯蓄、保険。高度な生物医学に関連する特別なケーススタディを実施します。データサイエンスとAIは、予測分析の特定の方法を強化します。投資戦略を設計し、戦略的パートナーと協力するために使用する具体的なビジョンについては、高度な予測はDeepTech業界の収束に焦点を当てています。学界、製薬会社、AI会社の研究科学者、臨床医、技術者。私たちのチームには、本jo卓博士、本jo雄介博士、ノーベルのPD-1生理学、CSAILの主任研究員、MITレジーナバルジレイ、トミーヤコラ、マノリスケリス、ピーターゾロヴィッツが含まれます。

主な研究分野は、ERPコンサルティング、クラウドテクノロジー、ビッグデータ、ブロックチェーン、人工知能の専門家です。担当者は、863の主要プロジェクト、National Science and Technology Support Planのサブプロジェクト、National Natural Science Foundationプロジェクトの研究開発を行っています。 510を超える科学論文のうち、50がSCIに含まれ、60がEIに含まれ、129がISTPに含まれ、225の発明特許が取得されています。


AIレポータースポーツインテリジェントドライビングAI会計弁護士AI手術ロボットAI尋問誤診AIロボット葬儀VR AR 3D AI犯罪追跡AI画像認識。中国科学技術協会、江蘇省、Z江省人民政府がコンテストを主催し、カテゴリAで最優秀賞を獲得しました。大きな健康産業:生物医学、医療機器、スマート医療、健康管理などがカテゴリAで最優秀賞を受賞しました。

彼の主な研究分野は、コンピュータービジョン、ビッグデータブロックチェーン、自然言語処理です。 Alibaba Groupのチーフテクノロジースペシャリスト


清華大学の機械学習の教授。テクノロジーのメガトレンド、最先端の分析技術、政府/地方自治体、教育/医療/ヘルスケア、金融、製造、物流、通信/放送、建設/不動産、電力/ガス/水、ネットワーキング、農業用医薬品との統合、小売、製造、輸送、スポーツ、航空宇宙、広告、モノのインターネット、ICT、その他の産業。ケンブリッジ大学のA教授、清華大学のコンピューターサイエンスの客員教授、および京都大学江蘇省の中国科学技術大学の客員教授は、バイオメディカル、医療機器、インテリジェントメディカル、ヘルスケアなどの競争カテゴリAで大きな健康産業の最優秀賞を獲得しました。カテゴリーAベストアワードを受賞。 ERPブロックチェーンクラウドテクノロジービッグデータ人工知能関連分野(人工知能分野を含む音声処理の分野に限定されない)は、特許製品の競争、アリ、テンセント、Huaweiおよびその他の契約で最高の賞を受賞し、多くの契約に達しました。 AI x 5Gフェイスブラッシングが主流の支払い方法になりました医療、公安5Gロボット、5G材料、半導体、スポーツ、エンターテインメントなどの技術は、当社の主流の技術であり、分離と精製、革新的な医薬品、バイオテクノロジー、チップ設計、量子ドットディスプレイ、マルチタッチ、ナノミクロスフェア、低炭素ナノマテリアルのスマートな運転、スマートな製造、ロボット工学、スマートな医療のためのグローバルなキーテクノロジー。顔と体の分析技術、SLAMと3Dビジョン、一般的および専門的な画像認識、ロボット制御とセンシング、大規模なビデオの理解とマイニング、医療画像分析を強化する画像とビデオ処理、人工知能コンピューティングプラットフォーム、人工知能スーパーコンピューティングプラットフォーム、自己開発のトレーニングフレームワーク、人工知能高性能ストレージ高性能の異種コンピューティングソフトウェアとハ​​ードウェアを組み合わせることにより、高性能、低コスト、低電力のエッジ人工知能チップとソリューションを設計および開発し、パートナーを開発します。インテリジェントな運転とAIoTのために、超高コストパフォーマンス、高エネルギー効率、オープンツールチェーン、豊富なアルゴリズムモデルサンプル、包括的なアクティベーションサービスを備えたエッジツーエッジのAIチップを提供できます。現在、革新的な人工知能固有のコンピューティングアーキテクチャに基づくBPU(頭脳処理装置)がストリーミングに成功しています。中国初の最先端の人工知能プロセッサ-インテリジェントな運転に焦点を当てたシステムとAIoTに焦点を当てたシステム。そして、大規模に商品化されました。中国人工知能アカデミーのメンバー、英国科学局のメンバー、下院科学技術委員会のメンバー、下院(科学技術委員会)、人工知能のためのアレンチューリング研究所、オープンデータ研究所(ODI)、ケンブリッジ大学、エジンバラ大学、オックスフォード大学、ロンドン大学、ワーウィック大学EPSRCを含む




Dr. Guolongケンブリッジ大学ケンブリッジ

LCFI Scientist、LCFI Labs、英国

AlibabaGroup契約ユニットHOC Intelligent Technology Guolong副部長CTO


AIレポータースポーツインテリジェントドライビングAI会計弁護士AI手術ロボットAI尋問誤診AIロボット葬儀VR AR 3D AI犯罪追跡AI画像認識。中国科学技術協会、江蘇省、Z江省人民政府がコンテストを主催し、カテゴリAで最優秀賞を獲得しました。大きな健康産業:生物医学、医療機器、スマート医療、健康管理などがカテゴリAで最優秀賞を受賞しました。

彼の主な研究分野は、コンピュータービジョン、ビッグデータブロックチェーン、自然言語処理です。 Alibaba Groupのチーフテクノロジースペシャリスト


  • AI研究開発

  • 深層学習(Deep Learning)を中心とした人工知能(AI)技術を活用した、取り組む事業における研究開発を行って頂きます。


  • ◆経験/能力
    ・chainer / tensorflow / caffe 等の深層学習フレームワークを利用した20年以上の実装経験
    ・深層学習(Deep Learning)のモデル実装経験

  • AI事業において、AIシステム開発チームのプロジェクトマネージャーとして、AIプロジェクトの設計、進行管理、ディレクション全般に関わっていただきます。

  • ◆具体的な業務内容

  • AIプロジェクトマネージャは、AIシステム部の取り組む各種AIプロジェクトに関して、事業部と期待値のすり合わせをしながらAI研究開発のアウトプットを定義し、適切に状況把握、計画調整しながら不確実性の高いAIプロジェクトを成功に導きます。また、AIシステム部メンバーの技術成長ニーズや現状のレベルを把握した上で、適切な業務アサインを通してメンバーのキャリア形成を支援します。

  • ◆経験/能力

  • ・システム開発におけるプロジェクトマネージメント経験

  • ・機械学習アルゴリズムに関する研究開発経験


CiNii Articles:

CiNii Books:







Open Data Institute(ODI)





She is a machine learning professor at Tsinghua University. Fusion with technology megatrends, cutting-edge analytical technology, government / local government, education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, electricity / gas / water, networking, pharmaceuticals Used in agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transport, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries. Visiting professor at Harvard Business School, visiting professor at Computer Science at Tsinghua University, visiting professor at the University of Tokyo, visiting professor at the University of Tokyo, visiting professor at Osaka University, visiting professor at Kyoto University, China Science and Technology Association, Jiangsu Province Ziang Province Government Sponsored Contest Category A Wins First Prize Big Health Industry: Biomedical, Medical Devices, Smart Healthcare, Health Care, etc. Receives Category A Highest Awards. ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence related fields (not limited to speech processing fields including various fields of artificial intelligence) won the highest prize in patent product competition, Ali, Tencent, Huawei and other contracts And reached numerous contracts. AI x 5G face brushing has become the mainstream payment method, WYSIWYG, short video AI animation x 5G, AR VR and 3D, intelligent driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medicine, intelligent driving intelligent business intelligent medical public security 5G Robot 5G materials, semiconductors, sports, entertainment and other technologies are our mainstream technologies, separation and purification, innovative pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano-microspheres, low-carbon nanomaterials The world's key technologies for intelligent driving, smart manufacturing, robotics, and smart medical. Face and body analysis technology, SLAM and 3D vision, general and professional image recognition, robot control and sensing, large-scale video understanding and mining, image and video processing to enhance medical image analysis, artificial intelligence computing Platform, AI supercomputing platform, self-developed training framework, AI high performance storage By combining high-performance heterogeneous computing software and hardware, high-performance, Design and develop low cost, low power edge artificial intelligence chips and solutions to open up partners. For intelligent driving and AIoT, edge-to-edge AI chips can be provided with ultra-cost performance, extreme power efficiency, open tool chains, rich algorithm model samples, and comprehensive activation services. Now, the BPU (Brain Processing Unit) based on the innovative artificial intelligence-specific computing architecture is being streamed successfully. China's first edge artificial intelligence processor-a system focused on intelligent driving and a system focused on AIoT. And it has been commercialized on a large scale. Member of the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence, the Science Agency of the United Kingdom, and the Technical Committee of the House of Science, the UK House of Representatives (Science and Technology Committee) British Council Open Data Institute (ODI) Alan Turing Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge University, University of Edinburgh, Oxford University, London University, including EPSRC Association of Warwick University

State-of-the-art technology for AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, big data, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, government / local government Education / Medical / Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Telecommunications / Broadcasting, Construction / Real Estate, Electricity / Gas / Water, Network, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and Other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECVC, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.



Yu HongHong, born in 1970, graduated from Harvard UniversityPhD, currently head of CTO of NTTDATA ,and currently head of CEO of HOC Intelligent Technology, Yu HongHong CEO/GuoLong born in 1995, graduated from Cambridge UniversityPhD ,currently head of CTO of HOC Intelligent Technology .Head of Artificial Intelligence, a scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Full member of JSAI Artificial Intelligence, a member of IEEE, a member of SIGIR, a member of CAAI China Artificial Intelligence Association, AAA1 International AI He is a member of the Intelligence Association, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence China, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence Association ACM, and his main research areas are ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts, computer vision, multimedia technology, and machine learning. Etc.

ホーム: 履歴書



images (78).jpg


Yu HongHong, born in 1970, graduated from Harvard UniversityPhD, currently head of CTO of NTTDATA ,and currently head of CEO of HOC Intelligent Technology, Yu HongHong CEO/GuoLong born in 1995, graduated from Cambridge UniversityPhD ,currently head of CTO of HOC Intelligent Technology .Head of Artificial Intelligence, a scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Full member of JSAI Artificial Intelligence, a member of IEEE, a member of SIGIR, a member of CAAI China Artificial Intelligence Association, AAA1 International AI He is a member of the Intelligence Association, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence China, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence Association ACM, and his main research areas are ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts, computer vision, multimedia technology, and machine learning. Etc.



She is a machine learning professor at Tsinghua University. Fusion with technology megatrends, cutting-edge analytical technology, government / local government, education / medical / healthcare, finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications / broadcasting, construction / real estate, electricity / gas / water, networking, pharmaceuticals Used in agriculture, retail, manufacturing, transport, sports, aerospace, advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries. Visiting professor at Harvard Business School, visiting professor at Computer Science at Tsinghua University, visiting professor at the University of Tokyo, visiting professor at the University of Tokyo, visiting professor at Osaka University, visiting professor at Kyoto University, China Science and Technology Association, Jiangsu Province Ziang Province Government Sponsored Contest Category A Wins First Prize Big Health Industry: Biomedical, Medical Devices, Smart Healthcare, Health Care, etc. Receives Category A Highest Awards. ERP blockchain cloud technology big data artificial intelligence related fields (not limited to speech processing fields including various fields of artificial intelligence) won the highest prize in patent product competition, Ali, Tencent, Huawei and other contracts And reached numerous contracts. AI x 5G face brushing has become the mainstream payment method, WYSIWYG, short video AI animation x 5G, AR VR and 3D, intelligent driving, finance, 5G telemedicine 5G AI medicine, intelligent driving intelligent business intelligent medical public security 5G Robot 5G materials, semiconductors, sports, entertainment and other technologies are our mainstream technologies, separation and purification, innovative pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chip design, quantum dot display, multi-touch, nano-microspheres, low-carbon nanomaterials The world's key technologies for intelligent driving, smart manufacturing, robotics, and smart medical. Face and body analysis technology, SLAM and 3D vision, general and professional image recognition, robot control and sensing, large-scale video understanding and mining, image and video processing to enhance medical image analysis, artificial intelligence computing Platform, AI supercomputing platform, self-developed training framework, AI high performance storage By combining high-performance heterogeneous computing software and hardware, high-performance, Design and develop low cost, low power edge artificial intelligence chips and solutions to open up partners. For intelligent driving and AIoT, edge-to-edge AI chips can be provided with ultra-cost performance, extreme power efficiency, open tool chains, rich algorithm model samples, and comprehensive activation services. Now, the BPU (Brain Processing Unit) based on the innovative artificial intelligence-specific computing architecture is being streamed successfully. China's first edge artificial intelligence processor-a system focused on intelligent driving and a system focused on AIoT. And it has been commercialized on a large scale. Member of the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence, the Science Agency of the United Kingdom, and the Technical Committee of the House of Science, the UK House of Representatives (Science and Technology Committee) British Council Open Data Institute (ODI) Alan Turing Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge University, University of Edinburgh, Oxford University, London University, including EPSRC Association of Warwick University


State-of-the-art technology for AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, big data, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, government / local government Education / Medical / Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Telecommunications / Broadcasting, Construction / Real Estate, Electricity / Gas / Water, Network, Pharmaceuticals, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and Other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECVC, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.



She entered the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Sciences at Tohoku University in 1992, earned a bachelor's degree in computer science in 1996, was exempted from receiving a master's degree, and obtained a master's degree in computer science in 1999. In 2003, part of the Harvard Computer Science PhD thesis was commercial software as the core. So far, as a project leader, he has conducted R & D work on 863 major projects, sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Program, and projects of the National Fund for Natural Sciences, and has published research papers including 12 at SCI and 28 at EI. Is. She collected 29 articles and obtained two invention patents. Currently, the Graduate School of Information Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences teaches the basic course "Computer Vision and Image Understanding" and the professional basic course "Modern Computer Vision". Deep Tech focuses on AI, blockchain big data analytics cloud, ERP consultant, and Convergence of Technological MegaTrends. Drug discovery, fintech and blockchain in Eastern Europe, fintech and blockchain in Asia.5 core technologies-bioidentification, AI, chatbot, data analysis, blockchain. 4 sub-sectors: loans, payments, savings, insurance. Conduct special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Concrete methods of predictive analytics enhanced by data science and AI. Advanced forecasts focused on the convergence of the DeepTech industry for the specific foresight we are using to design investment strategies and collaborate with strategic partners. Look at scientists, clinicians and technicians in academia, pharmaceutical companies and AI companies. Our team includes Dr. Tasuku Honjo, Dr. Yusuke Honjo, PD-1 at Nobel Physiological Medicine, Principal Investigator at CSAIL, MIT's Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis, and Peter Szolovits.



She graduated from Harvard UniversityPhD, worked at a foreign-affiliated information service vendor, a major US manufacturer, SAP headquarters, a foreign-affiliated consulting firm, and a major SIer.を Experienced consulting in a wide range of industries, from globalization, system strategy, and planning to implementation and operation of large-scale ERP implementation, for a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, manufacturing, and distribution. Based on his abundant experience in business structure analysis, he excels in IT strategy formulation and execution, problem extraction and solution. He is active at the forefront of business, and has 25 years of experience in "reformation consultants" in creed, business system development, embedded control system development, and infrastructure infrastructure. Experienced a variety of projects, from requirements definition to implementation and troubleshooting, for both scratch development and function addition projects After that, during the 35 years up to the present, he worked as a manager of multiple PJTs, working on quotation, progress management, quality control, and customer negotiation. Lead as a large-scale project manager with a member size of 150 or more and a period of 23 years or more, realizing sales increase of 20 million yen (cost reduction of 5 million yen). Currently, he has 30 subordinates as a manager in the business system, and is in charge of specification coordination with customers and management of the development team.

Mandarin native language

2000 3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 Conversation Advanced Reading Comprehension Advanced Composition Advanced Business Usage Experience 25 years Native

ホーム: 履歴書
Man with Wooden Background



Woman with White Jacket





Man with Green Shirt



Young Woman with Grey Sweater
ホーム: チーム




Mandarin native language

2000 3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 Conversation Advanced Reading Comprehension Advanced Composition Advanced Business Usage Experience 25 years Native Language Level

2001 3 English TOEIC: 865 points / TOEFL: 675 points Conversation advanced reading comprehension advanced composition advanced business experience 25 years native language level

2005 3 German Test Test F5

2000 3 China Certified Public Accountant

2003 6 U.S.CPA (US Certified Public Accountant)

2010 6 Nissho Business Bookkeeping Test Level 2

2011 6 Nissho Bookkeeping Examination Level 1

2012 4 Japan.CPA (Japan Certified Public Accountant)


2000 6 MCSE: Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert, MCSD: Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer

2001 6 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R4.6c (Basis Workbench)

2001 9 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant- (ASAP)

2002 3 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R4.6c (Inventory / Purchasing)

2002 6 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R / 3 Enterprise (Management Accounting)

2002 6 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R / 3Enterprise (Financial Management)

2002 6 Sun Java Certificaton

2002 6 Oracle Certified Java Programmer, Silver SE 7 certified


2002 6 Oracle database ORACLE MASTER Platinum

2002 6 Oracle database ORACLE MASTER Gold

2002 9 Oracle E-Business Suite R11 Certified Consultant

2002 9 CISSP Security

2002 9 SIXSIGMA Black Belts

2003 3 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R4.6c (Sales Management)

2003 6 SAP Certified R / 3 Consultant-R4.6c (Production Management)

2003 9 PMP (US Project Management Professional)

2003 11 Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)


2003 11 OMG-Certified UML Professional Fundamental

OMG-Certified UML Professional Intermediate

2008 6 CRM, Certified Sales Cloud Consultant

2008 10 MCSA: Windows Server 2008

2009 4 SAP Certified Technology Consultant (mySAP BI-Business Information Warehouse)

2009 10 SAP Certified Solution Consultant (NetWeaver BI7.0)

2011 10 MCSD: SharePoint Applications

2012 6 Microsoft Dynamics CRM

2013 1 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Development

2013 5 Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 Financial Management Consultant

2013 8 Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 Trading and Logistics Consultant

2013 10 Microsoft Dynamics AX2012 Production Consultant

2002 9 Acquired US Green Card 米 国, US citizenship

2010 9 Acquired permanent residence in Japan

2012 6 CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) CFA Association Certified Securities Analyst

2013 10 Banking Examination Deposit Advanced

2013 10 Banking Examination Lending Advanced

2013 10 Securities Level 2

2013 10 Banking Examination @ Foreign Exchange Level 2


2013 10 Investment Trust Level 2

2013 10 Banking Business Examination Legal Level 2

2013 10 Banking Examination Financial Level 2


2013 4 Microsoft Certified Solution MCSA): (MCSE: sharepoint, MCSD: sharepoint applications), Office 365 Certification

2013 6 CFP® certification Professional FP International CFP® organization FPSB (Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. certified)

2014 6 MCSA: Windows Server 2012, MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified, AWS Certified Solution Architect-Professional, AWS Certified Solution Architect-Associate

2014 8 M CS: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, MCS: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure, MCS: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions


2016 6 SAPHANA certification

2017 6 Google Cloud Platform (GCP), GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFIED Professional Cloud Architect, GOOGLE CLOUD CERTIFIED Associate Cloud Engineer

2017 10 VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 4

VMware Certified Professional on VI3

2018 6 FinancialRiskManager (FRM)




~ 2018/12



~ 2017/12


Research achievements




Writing history





Management of innovation projects and open innovation

Bargaining power with other companies including foreign countries

RPA case study

Hosted Research Project



management, various systems, platforms and websites in the industry. Familiar with building and shipping. Full management of PMP / IMPM certified software development projects, integration of existing delivery service resources, coordinating company daily work and project management for follow-up, construction and established software projects; software Promote project landing and related work, complete assurance of the quality and approval of the project under construction, and perform excellent work in project maintenance of existing projects; check project schedule, review project overview, all software Monitoring of delivery project implementation and approval and successful completion of mentoring projects; establishing and continually optimizing customer service delivery objectives responsible for group methodology development and implementing group project execution delivery technical team Promote and develop talents, do a good job of developing talents, do a good job of building talent teams, team training, incentive evaluation, improvement team teamwork results product analysis, data analysis function, unique product evaluation

■ Specialty areas, core skills

(1) ERP consulting development experience 35 years, blockchain technology, cloud, big data analysis artificial intelligence experience 24 years


Broad industry experience: He has experience in consulting in a wide range of fields, from conception to implementation and operation, for a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, manufacturing, and distribution. Based on his abundant experience in business structure analysis, he excels in IT strategy formulation and execution, problem extraction and solution. 35 years of business experience: wide range of business systems in telecommunications, finance, pharmaceuticals, automobile, manufacturing, distribution, etc. 28 years of embedded control system experience: design, development, evaluation, multi-task real-time control, semiconductor PCBA circuit design technology software Development of transport control software for semiconductor manufacturing equipment Development of embedded (control) system firmware using assembler Development of in-vehicle related software Development of firmware for information home appliances Development of various OS drivers for information home appliances, control software for mounting surveillance cameras Experience in a wide range of phases in charge of design and PLC device control software: Experience from requirement definition to detailed design, development and experience in management management General IT work / planning / consultation / business design / requirement definition / design / development / maintenance Overall system design, construction, operation, etc. Proposal, requirement definition, basic design, detailed design, coding design, development / unit test, integration / comprehensive test, operation design, development languages ​​ABAP, JAVA, C, C ++, VB, VC ++, COBOL,, C # .net , Python, Ruby, PHP, OS HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, RedHat, Windows, LINUXWindows server, LINUX server, UNIX server, Vmware. Cloud AWS, Microsoft Azure Solutions, Microsoft sharepoint office365, etc. DB: Oracle, SQLServer, ORCALE, SQL, MySQL, server, security, cloud environment construction, SAPFI / CO / SD / MM / PP / BI / BO / BW / BASISBASIS consultant , SAP HANA consultant, cloud system design / construction / operation using AWS, Azure, GCP Server design / construction / operation (UNIX, Linux, Windows) Monitoring support, development of mobile application, package (SAPR / 3, SAPECC) , ASAP, ORCALE, Dynamics, Salesforce, etc.) and IT system consulting (analysis, design, implementation, development) salesfcore implementation consultant, salesfcore development Apex driga page, visual force development, Dynamics implementation consultant, ORCALE implementation consultant.

Engineers who handle everything from IoT, blockchain, AI, and robotics. The next generation of automation technology, from cars to drones to home appliances and robots, is about to bring a connected world where all information and devices are autonomously linked. Working at the KDDI Consumer Business Planning Division and KDDI Research Institute, leading a project related to “AI x IoT x blockchain” IoT = "The Five Senses" to grasp the current situation in real time

・ Blockchain = “Nerves and blood vessels” that form the basis of reliable information transmission

・ AI = "Brain" that analyzes and understands vast amounts of information and makes decisions

・ Robotics = "Body" to execute the decided action

Blockchain, large-scale systems, machine learning, game AI, 3D modeling, Experts across domains, such as simulation engineers

Toyota Motor Corporation IHI Nihon Unisys 宇宙 Fujitsu Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Maritime Association RIKEN, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology National Institute of Informatics Artificial intelligence project with Matsushita

Image processing / analysis / recognition / AI (machine learning, etc.) applied aerospace, composite material structure analysis (technology introduction support)

Design optimization (technology introduction support), robot control




NTT Data Intelligent Information Key Laboratories

Cambridge University and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Laboratory Artificial Intelligence & Big Data and AI Autonomous Driving

GPU processing, NVIDIA autonomous driving, cooperative autonomous driving with SegNet research team at Cambridge University

  Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence, LCFI

Artificial Intelligence & Big Data

High-Performance Computing at Cambridge University

Machine Learning and its Applications

Machine Learning Algorithms and Computational Learning Theory

 Human-computer Interaction

Artificial Neural Networks

Signal and Pattern Processing

Application of Machine Learning in Drug Design

Consumers ’Misperceptions and Fears Around Interacting with AI

Art and Digital Culture: Will AI bust the art price boom but save the art world

 An Overview of Big Data Analytics and its Applications • Algorithms for Big Data

How Data Analytics is Transforming the World • Big Data versus Databases

AI automatic driving, GPU processing, NVIDIA automatic driving


Harvard University and Artificial Intelligence (AI) research Artificial Intelligence & Big Data AI prediction system

Harvard NLP Research Group Natural Language Processing

Researching blockchain and artificial intelligence medical data in collaboration with Harvard University

1.Structural analysis

◎ "MatLab model file analysis"

◎ “C language analysis tool development”

◎ "Development of specification specification automatic generation tool"

2. New sensor development

◎ "Research on non-speech sound recognition"


Biosensor development

◎ "Development of SPR simple biosensor device using possibility theory"


◎ “Study on protein complex in silico prediction system”

Database construction

◎ “Biological information database generation tool development”

4.AI (Artificial Intelligence)

◎ Deep learning (deep learning)

◎ Machine learning


Solectron Global Core System Operation Project

AI NVIDIA (Nvidia) automatic driving

GoogleScholar mla = AJsNF7qEDQArKnHN2boSCI3IisiMkiwl4WORox58tEAlDONRvsFjFhbUjg8HKye5S2odTGMiY4fAsccm1ywwif1MIbcRT6JR1rG70eNgH9jLPkcBZc-Jd1tPYgF0WhFu7e0ARd43X9Y

Kaggle Competition Top Winners

2012: (In-house award) Innovation Award (Grand Prize in In-house Innovation Project)

2009: AAMT Nagao Award (Sent to a company that made a significant contribution to the machine translation industry)

2008: (In-house award) TSSI (Toshiba System & Software Institute) excellence (excellent in selected in-house education)

2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Beijing, China, Jul. 2-5, 2007.

[9]] YuHonghong, Weiqiang Wang, Wen Gao, “Object Recognition Based on Dependent Pachinko Allocation Model”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 16-19, 2007.

[10] YuHonghong, Libo Fu, Wen Gao, “Text Segmentation in Complex Background Based on Color and Scale Information of Character Strokes,” The 7th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2007, Hongkong, China, Dec. 11-14, 2007

[11]] YuHonghong Weiqiang Wang, Wen Gao, “A Robust Split-and-Merge Text Segmentation Approach for Images”, The 18th International Conference of Pattern Recognition, Aug. 24-26, 2006.pp.1002-1005

[12] YuHonghong Weiqiang Wang, Qingming Huang, Wen Gao “Unsupervised Texture Classification: Automatically Discover and Classify Texture Patterns”, The 18th International Conference of Pattern Recognition, Aug. 24-26, 2006.pp.433-436

[13]] YuHonghong Weiqiang Wang, Wen Gao, “A Robust Approach for Object Recognition”, The 6th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2006, HangZhou, China, Nov.2- Nov.4, 2006, LNCS, Vol. 4261 , pp.262-269

[14]] YuHonghong, Weiqiang Wang, Qianhui Ning, “Text Detection in Images using Texture Feature from Strokes”, The 6th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2006, HangZhou, China, Nov.2- Nov.4, 2006, LNCS , Vol. 4261 pp.295-301

[15]] YuHonghong Zheng, Weiqiang-Wang, Wen Gao, “Effective and Efficient Object-based Image Retrieval Using Visual Phrases”, ACM Multimedia 2006, October 23-27, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA., pp 77-80

[16]] YuHonghong i, Ting Liu, Weiqiang Wang, Wen Gao, “A Broadcast Model for Web Image Annotation”, The 6th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2006, HangZhou, China, Nov.2- Nov.4, 2006 , LNCS, Vol. 4261, pp.245-251

[17]] YuHonghong, Datong Chen, Wen Gao, Jie Yang, “Modeling Background from Compressed Video”, The Second Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, in conjunction with the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Oct. Beijing, 2005.

[18]] YuHonghong, Weiqiang Wang, Wen Gao, “Research on the Discrimination of Pornographic and Bikini Images,” The First IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval, Irvine, California, USA, December 12-14, 2005

[19]] YuHonghong, Weiqiang Wang, Yaowen Zhan.A Robust Text segmentation Approach in Complex Background Based on Multiple Constraints.IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Jeju Island, Korea, Nov.13-16, 2005 LNCS3767: pp.594 -605

[20]] YuHonghong “A Robust Text Segmentation Algorithm in Images and Video Frames”, 1st International Conference on Universal Digital Library, 2005

[21] YuHonghong “Local Invariant Descriptor for Image Matching”, ICASSP2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Mar. 19-23, 2005

[22] YuHonghong “Image Matching Based on Scale invariant regions”. Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, pp127-134, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2004. LNCS Vol. . 3331: pp.127-134,

[23]] YuHonghong “A Region Based Image Matching Method With Regularized SAR Model”. The 5th IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2004, Tokyo Waterfront City, Japan, pp263-270, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2004, LNCS , Vol. 3331: pp. 263-270

[24]] YuHonghong “A Hybrid Approach to Detect Adult Web Images”, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM 2004: 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, pp609-616, Nov.30-Dec.3, 2004 LNCS , Vol. 3331

[25] YuHonghong “Skin-Color Detection Based on Adaptive Thresholds“, Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, Hong Kong, pp250-253, Dec. 2004

[26] YuHonghong, Wei Zeng, Wen Gao, Wei-Qiang Wang. “Shape-based Adult Images Detection”, Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, Hong Kong, China, pp150-153, Dec.18-20, 2004

[27]] YuHonghong “A Novel Compressed domain Shot Segmentation Algorithm on H.264 / AVC Video”, ICIP2004, October 24-27, Singapore

[28]] YuHonghong “A Fast and Robust Speech / Music Discrimination Approach”, IEEE PCM 2003, Sigpore, Dec., 2003.

[29] Qixiang Ye, Wen Gao, Weiqiang Wang, Wei Zeng, “A Robust Text Detection Algorithm in Images and Video Frames”, IEEE PCM2003, Dec, 2003

[30]] YuHonghong “Classifying Traditional Chinese Painting Images”, IEEE PCM 2003, Sigpore, Dec., 2003.

[31]] YuHonghong “A New Texture-insensitive Edge Detection Method”, IEEE PCM 2003, Sigpore, Dec., 2003.

[32]] YuHonghong “Objectionable Image Recognition System in Compression Domain”, IDEAL2003, March 21-23, 2003, Hong Kong. LNCS2690 pp.1097-1101 LNCS2690 pp.1131-1135

[33]] YuHonghong “Illumination Invariant Shot Boundary Detection”, IDEAL2003, March 21-23, 2003, Hong Kong LNCS2690 pp.1097-1101

[34]] YuHonghong “An Index Model for MPEG-2 Streams”, The Third IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002, Dec, 16-18, 2002, Hsinchu, Taiwan.LNCS 2532: pp.271-278

[35]] YuHonghong “A Framework for Background Detection in Video”, The Third IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002, Dec, 16-18, 2002, Hsinchu, Taiwan. LNCS 2532: pp.799-805

[36]] YuHonghong "Locating Anchor Shots in Compression Domain Based on Neural Networks" the Fifth Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2002, Jan 23-25, 2002, Melbourne, Australia.

[37]] YuHonghong "A Fast Anchor Shot Detection Algorithm on Compressed Video", The Second IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001, Oct, 24-26,2001, Beijing, China.LNCS 2195: pp.873-878

[38]] YuHonghong "Automatic Segmentation of News Items Based on Video and Audio Features", The Second IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001, Oct, 24-26,2001, Beijing, China. LNCS 2195: pp. 498-505

[39]] YuHonghong "Framework of Content-Based Multimedia Retrieval for Digital Library", the 12th international Conference on New Information Technology, 2001.5, Beijing, China.

[40]] YuHonghong "News Content Highlight via Fast Caption Text Detection on Compressed Video", International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Hong Kong, Dec. 2000. (LNCS 1983)

Research direction:

Multimedia technology, computer vision

Regular member of JSAI Artificial Intelligence Society, member of CAAI China Artificial Intelligence Society, SIGIR member Member of AAA1 International Artificial Intelligence Association, member of British Artificial Intelligence Council, member of China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association

JSAI Artificial Intelligence Society Regular Member

CiNii Articles:

CiNii Books:

CiNii Dissertations:

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research-Kakenhi-: MEXT

The Agency for Science and the British House of Sciences

Technical Committee (Science and Technology Committee of the lower house)

British Council on Artificial Intelligence

Open Data Institute (ODI)

Including Alan Turing Institute, Cambridge University, Edinburgh University, Oxford University, London University, Warwick University EPSRC Association Artificial Intelligence Association

Member of AAA1 International Association for Artificial Intelligence


Team management We are confident in not only the ability to manage things according to the schedule but also the ability to read the aptitude through dialogue with each member and to allocate people to the right people in the right places and control motivation. In the past, delivery has never been delayed.

As described above, the entire development team can proceed (PMO) and can also autonomously perform engineering work as SE.

Problem solving ability

The goal was to share the process from recognizing and resolving issues with stakeholders at the right time. Assuming the processes necessary to solve the problem, visualizing the person in charge of the subdivided process, due date, etc. and sharing it with the parties concerned, the ability to reliably solve the problem by the due date is acquired. Was.

Adjusting power

We respected the positions and intentions of each stakeholder and tried to understand them in advance. Considering each idea, we assumed in advance the measures to be decided as a whole project and agreed to them at meetings and other places. With respect to the coordination items, I learned the skills to negotiate after assuming who and what to check and what conclusions would be reached.


The objective was to capture the facts from various angles and to consider the best solution. In managing issues and progress, there were times when the response did not proceed as planned and unexpected troubles occurred.However, we grasped the facts accurately without any urgency, shared it with the parties concerned, and The skill to derive is acquired.

Main experience industry, main experience Job experience 35 years

IT engineers (infrastructure engineers, application engineers), including software, information processing, communications (including IT consultants), general managers, project managers (PMs) and leaders

Strength: My strength is that I can do both infrastructure infrastructure and system development.My strength is that I have consistent experience from requirement definition to development and can develop while managing. Hearing ability, current situation analysis problem extraction and solution management. ability

Main experience:

In accordance with the development strategy proposed by the Chairman of the Board, the Group's annual business plan is developed and implemented after approval. Implements the decisions of the Chair of the Board of Directors, supervises the day-to-day operation and management of the Group and signs relevant contracts, contracts, contracts and related matters on behalf of the Group within the authority delegated by the Chair; Supervise the executive and special meetings and listen to business reports. Coordinate departmental operations, check and supervise operations and management, propose corresponding business measures, ensure the achievement of annual business goals, complete technological development trends in IT environment, marketing environment, and corporate goal plan Analyze and adjust technology R & D and marketing strategies in a timely manner. Plan to take preventive and corrective actions to ensure that goals are achieved. Establish an economic accounting and monitoring system tailored to the actual situation of the company, review the company's annual financial plans, budget plans, plans and reports, supervise execution after approval, and promote corporate culture, business operations and talent Internal control rules and systems for Building development and other aspects; coordinating and processing various external relations, participating in important industry activities, creating a good external environment for the development of the group, reviewing and approving authority within the scope of approval Exercise, Participate in key investment transformations of the group for over 25 years R & D in software technology and managing large IT groups, Understand the latest technology in the IT industry, Understand the trends and directions of industry technology development, CMM software development Understanding of process and management, and knowledge of system analysis, system design, system implementation, and software system performance. Experience in research and development of large projects, experience in managing large development teams, various links and processes such as optimization and product quality control, excellent market insight, strategic decision making ability, overall Planning, project promotion and execution, team management skills. Communication and collaboration, innovation and logical analysis skills, powerful data analysis, resource integration skills, R & D process management and control skills, scheduling and control, risk management, quality management, configuration management, etc. Consciousness, professional ethics and attitude, honesty, strong sense of responsibility, high efficiency, good service awareness, good professional etiquette and temperament, ability to withstand strong pressure. According to the development of the group's products and business, prepare strategic plans and organize the direction of the company's technology development, coordinate the company's technology development management and management, formulate technology development standards and product quality management standards You. Responsible for implementing plans, managing group technical resources, organizing and addressing key technical and quality issues in the product development process, managing group technology project declarations, in-house title evaluation, innovation awards Be responsible for reviews, new product release meetings, etc.

Comprehensive management of the company's product development and project management, responsible for ERP, blockchain cloud technology, network chain technology product systems, and artificial intelligence products.

Plan the company's technology development route and new product development, and timely understand and supervise the implementation of the technology development strategic plan.

Participate in key technology project decision-making and program reviews, guide and participate in core code development, organize and resolve key technical issues in the project development process, and independently implement overall algorithm work and technical Build and guide the problem. Experience in modeling, training, optimizing, and optimizing models, familiarity with model principles, building models according to business needs, and having practical experience tuning models.

Effectively guide the technical team, oversee and guide the work of the technical department, and establish and improve various R & D specifications and processes of the company.

Develop technical talents and improve the team's overall professional skills. Technical director with more than 150 team management experience, excellent R & D process management and control skills, initiative, and big picture, deep technical background, strong code writing ability, and system analysis ability / C ++ / With distributed computing and cloud computing, Java, Python, and other mainstream architecture and design patterns, strong architecture and design experience, and in-depth research and understanding of existing technologies in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Familiarity with computing-related technology theory Familiarity with database design, analysis, code creation and debugging, familiarity with large-scale database development architecture and operation, communication, logical thinking, teamwork God is strong, passionate about work. Research and development, corporate culture as an entrepreneur and co-development with companies, a full understanding of the needs of Internet products and network users, the forefront of the unknown quest spirit, the courage and ability to solve problems in unknown fields, In the project of mastering advanced technology and transforming to rapid development. Responsible for formulating the strategic development direction of the company's distribution center and planning the implementation procedure, 15 years experience in public security, government issues, transport software distribution project management, various systems, platforms and websites in the industry. Familiar with buil

ホーム: ニュース

Cutting-edge technology

Cutting-edge technology

AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

ホーム: ようこそ!


AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

Data Cloud



AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

Electrical engineer working on circuit board



AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .




AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park
AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries
IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.
HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

ホーム: 商品ページ
ホーム: Video


  • AI
    2025年1月09日 11:30
    東京会場, 東京都新宿区
    2025年1月09日 11:30
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  • AI研究
    2025年2月06日 10:00
    東京会場, 東京都新宿区
    2025年2月06日 10:00
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  • AI traning
    AI traning
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    東京会場, 東京都新宿区
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  • AI研究
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    東京タワー, 日本、〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園4丁目2−8
    2020年2月25日 19:00
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    AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology
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